

My usual routine. I must be at my shop by 6:00am. Baking starts at 6:05 til 8:00am. While waiting for the oven to heat up, I was putting the chairs and tables down. Turned on the coffee machine and bossa nova music. My sanity. Abby just came on time as usual with my two other staff. There goes Kelvin and Arian.

I was surprised to see Ira inside. She was wearing a light blue scrub suit.
"Hoy Berts! I want this Oatmeal Cookie and Dark Mocha Frappe. To go, unfortunately, I just dropped to get my breakfast and say hello."
"Nice uniform, Nurse Ira."
"Thanks Berting! Ikaw rin. Fugeh. What's for dinner mamaya?"
"Uhm, I'll be out later, I have a date, why don't you cook for your baby bear muna" I was a little shy to tell her that I will take Sofia for dinner at my condo.
"I don't cook. Wow date. Sino????"
"Let Nards cook! with Sofia."
"Sige, text ko si bear.." She started looking for her phone at her messy bag.
"Kayo na ba? Ayiii, Nards is a great person"
"We'll talk about it some other time. But I like her... Tseh! Here's my bayad, gotta go na Berts" She gave me the payment and made beso-beso. I felt a little awkward.

She's such a lady. She's just too loud. She's a bit stubborn, I see. I wonder how she treats her patients,

"Parang baliw din yung nurse na yun noh, Boss?"
"Is she pretty Abby?"
"Boss, mas maganda ka pa dun"
"Aba thank you, Ms Abigail"
"May raise na ako?"
"Raise ko kilay ko for you."

Abby Martinez, HRM graduate, she's very slim. Chinky eyed, we have the same height, funny, reliable, efficient and effective. Smart ass. Two ex boyfriends, 3 ex girl friends. Taken for granted by her gf.

As time flies I keep on looking at the clock, I can't wait till 6:00PM.

She went inside. Abby noticed my glow when Sofia came in. She was wearing corporate clothes, black pinstripe slacks with coat, light blue blouse and 2 inches heels. That made me look like a hobbit when I am near her. I was wearing my chef attire with apron and I was wearing my favorite crocs. I gave a gesture at her to wait for me in 5 minutes. I rushed inside the locker room. I told Abby she's in charge. When I was about to go out, Abby was talking to Sofia.

"Abby, if you need anything give me a call, Ok, see you tomorrow"
"OK. Bye boss."

We were inside my car. I asked her how did she come to my shop and how was her day.
"I asked the company driver to drop me to your shop" She looks very calm and still pretty.
"Wow that's great, you were talking to Abby a while ago, did you want something?"
"She was asking if I need anything, it's Ok Berts"

Then I found myself laughing with her cause she still memorize our school hymn. I could even remember that school hymn. She showed the pink bandana I gave her. I wanted to grab her and kiss her, but that's too fast. I was holding the hand brake cause it was a little traffic. I thought felt her skin on my hand. I feel a little flirting session.

When I parked my car, she couldn't go down. I intentionally set the front seat in child lock. I opened the door. Just made a little alibi that my nephew was with me the other day so I had to put it in child lock.

We landed at 1401 safely. I told her to sit on the lazy boy couch. I gave her slippers. I told her to feel free to watch any dvds on the shelf. I was preparing tuna pasta and greek salad with fresh orange juice.

She helped me on setting the table. She removed her coat. I stop and stared, I didn't know what to feel when she removed her coat. I tried not to be obvious. "Are you ok Berts?" I replied with a smirk.

I sat next to her. When I was about to indulge the food, she said stop and let's pray first. Nothing beats a girls who can control you a bit. I don't know, but I was officially turned on. She was telling me that the food was great. I thanked her. I fixed the plates and I felt her hand under the plate. She was insisting to wash the dishes, but then my fork dropped on the floor. We started to laugh, we both made an effort to reach the fork, then our heads bumped, we were looking at each other blankly. I felt a sudden urge to kiss her again. Three seconds, of deciding whether to kiss her or not. I didn't kiss her. Cause I want to doubt a little longer. I picked up the fork.

"No, don't wash the dishes, there's this saying na pag nag hugas ung bisita mo ng plato, dadagain ung bahay ko. It's ok. Leave it here, I am sorry did you hurt your head?

"OK lang ako." She chuckled softly.

The door opened the Bears came.

"Oi! akala ko ba hindi ka uuwe!?" Ira said in a loud bark. I didn't expect Nards would be home early.
"Guys I'd like you to meet Sofia" I saw Sofia. Her face turned a little dark as if she wanted to kill.
"Parehas kayong naka light blue, haha, cute niyo, anu yan Berts? Pakain." Nards waved at Sofia.
"Go ahead, meron pa sa fridge, microwave niyo na lang". Ira was into a full silent mode. I don't know why I was feeling little fear and tension.

"Sofia? are you OK?" I asked her in a calm voice.
"Yeah, can we go inside your room for a minute" She whispered. I thought I felt her tongue on my ears. It was just my imagination.

"Ok, bro hugas kayo plates. haha" I took Sofia's hand and led her to my room. My ever tidy room.

When we were inside my room, she cried. It breaks me seeing someone I care cry. She hugged me. I have a strange feeling that Ira was the kid who bullied her that made her transfer into another school.

"Si Ira ba nang bully sayo?" She didn't reply.

"Yes, I thought I was over it, I just have difficulties of letting go" "You know what? Me too. But I thought I have life to do and I need to live and love myself. Happiness is a choice."

My phone ringed. It was Abby. I told Sofia to hold on.

"Ms. Abigail, tell me?" "Boss, I just called to tell you I am already closing the shop and we had 10k for the day. I'll discuss everything to you tomorrow by 8:00AM."

"Good job Abby, see you tomorrow." I felt different with that call. Abby doesn't call for positive reports. She usually calls if she can't report to work.

"It's getting late Sofia, I'll send you home"

I asked Nards to drive us to Sofia's house. I was really tired and I am really a lazy lousy driver. I was informed that Ira went back to her flat after eating. I was sitting beside Sofia at the back seat. Our hands suddenly entwined. My right hand to her left hand. Locked. I felt butterflies. I am falling so easily. We reached her house in 30 minutes. I kissed her on the cheeks and I told her that I will see her soon. She said "Text me when you guys get home". Went into the front seat. Nards was feeling sleepy.

"Kayo ba?"
"Kayo ba ni Ira?
"I think we're dating"
"Kami rin"

I fell asleep while Nards was driving. When I reached my room, I had 3 text messages. I feel really sleepy.


Sofia: Thanks Berts for dinner. I am sorry for the dramas. I'll see you soon OK? 

Definitely. Don't think too much. Good night. :)  - SEND

IRA: Berts, I don't like Sofia for you. She's still not pretty. She's a loser kid way back. We should talk about this soon. Thanks for letting me know Nards as well. I like her so much. 

Couldn't think of any reply. I got a little pissed at her presence when she came into my flat. I'll just reply tomorrow.

Abby : Boss, I really need to talk to you. 

What is this about. I'll just talk to her tomorrow. Today was tiring. But I am happy. Really happy and contented. I rarely think about having a girl friend. Minsan lang. Ewan.



"Bro, kamusta kayo ni Ira? hoho!" I threw a carrot at Nards. I was cooking afritada.
"Ok siya, bet na bet, wag ka magselos ah" She was watching Yes or No 2 while holding a guitar.
"Why would I be jealous, tandaan mo pag single ka pa rin ng 40s at ako rin tayo na talaga ah, pero lam mo yun, wag ka, wala nang ano, sira, haha, gagu ka.." 
"Oo, companion poreber, hoho, gondo ni MEAN, ay gondo ni AOM, nalilito ako. YESSS! NOO!"

Nards Magtanggol, 31, Graphic Designer, Events Manager, Guitarist, Schoolmate way back in college. She was my classmate in one general subject. The funny part here is that I met her at a friends wake. My thesis mate who passed away.

Flashback 9 years ago at a restaurant. She was in front of me, we were in the same table. She looked really shy. She was out of place with some of my business administration class mates, I knew she wasn't from BA. So I started a small talk.

"Ikaw ba yung nag guguitara?"
"Basketball team ka noh?"
"Ako si Berts"
We exchanged nods.
"Turuan mo naman ako mag guitar, mang kano?"
"Cge lang meet na lang tayo somewhere sa katip! turuan kita FREE"
"Ayos! Anu number mo? Miscall ko"

I am glad I made the first move. Who would imagine we would be close. Nards, is a jolly person everybody loves her. She listens to every rant I say, she saw me at my worst and best. She's like a sister to me. I treat her like a family. Friends are family to me.

"Bro, naghalikan ba kayo nung dinala ko si Ira dito?"
"Don't laugh, seriously. Kung OO, hamso proud of you handsome boy"
"Pops! yeahhh.. we kissed."
"Updates? Please? wag mo sabihing hindi mo na dinamubs? doorbell ka sa manila now, ask her to go here and eat dinner."
"Ok lang? really?"
"Go for gold."

Nards went out, went to flat 1402. DING DONG.

"Hi Ira? dinner tayo?"
"Sino ka?"
"Aray, aray, ARAY! hindi mo na ako kilala? Baby Bear?"
"JOKE LANG! anu ulam?"
"Berts cooked afro tado with pinya, lika?"
"Sige, piggy back ride mo ko?"

When I was about to eat my meal, Nards immediately said "Bro let's pray muna". I told myself, anak ng tokwa we don't pray naman ah, anu to pasikat kay Ira. Ira smiled, Nards didn't see Ira's face cause her eyes were closed when she was praying. Ira's pretty din pala. She was wearing a power blue duster. Her hair was a little wavy. Her lips looks kissable. I fantasized her for a minute. "AMEN". Signs of the cross. Oh lord.

She said "How was your day Berts?"
"Betty's cakes sales is doing ok, business is doing fine, I love it, if this continues, I might have another branch anytime soon"
"That's great Berts! and How bout you Baby Bear?"
"BABY BEAR! It was ok, so-so, I am going to Cagayan this week wanna come pops? baby bear?" Nards said in a defensive-funny motive.
"Can't bro I am busy, and I want to know someone, she's really pretty"
"Di ako pwede Nards, pasalubong na lang."
"Sino naman yan bagong babae mo! selos ako" Nards asked me.
"Some schoolmate when I was in Highschool. Its so weird, but I am happy to meet her"
"Schoolmate? what batch Berts?" Ira asked me.
"She's 4 years younger to me, umm, are you familiar with Sofia Dominique Santos?"
"Parang familiar siya"
"She's really pretty." I said. I must admit. I fall in love so easily.

Ira Samaniego, when I was 2nd year, she was first year. She graduated Valedictorian when she was in grade school and high school. She's a nurse now. She didn't had any honors or even an award when she was in college. I guess she messed up a little, but she's a registered nurse. She looks very passive aggressive. I knew her because she was my partner at a science fair debate way back in high school.

"Talaga, maganda na siya, maganda siya?" Ira said in a serious mode. I was reading her face, I think she knew Sofia.
"Yes" I said while I was drinking water.
"Bro, superb meal, thanks, labyu" Nards said while she was rubbing her tummy.
"Berts, masarap luto mo promise"

"Thank you" I don't know, but when Ira stares at me, I think she likes me. I can't like her back. She's not really my type. I think too much. No. But really. I can't and I won't interfere my friends love life.

Nards and Ira washed the dishes, they look fine together. Ira was doing the soap part on plates. Nards on the other side of the sink does the washing. I was busy composing a text message.

Nards send Ira back to her her bunk. She stayed there the whole night. While I was sitting in my thinking chair, delete, compose, delete.

Hi Sofia, would you like to have dinner tomorrow? sa condo ko. I'll pick you up na lang. Kung pwede ka and ok lang sayo? - I was thinking if I should send the text message. Is it to soon? If I don't try it I don't hope. Things like YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE was running in my head. I suddenly saw my tshirt.

Life is too short. PROFESS!


I am not used to doing the first move. I don't know. I covered my head with a pillow. Waited for 5 minutes, until 30 minutes.

I'd love to. See you at 6 sa shop mo. :) :D 

There I was. KILIG.


Better Late Than Never

I was thinking about her legs, her smile her pigtails. She's so pretty. I don't want to flatter myself too much. I touched my head as if there was some heavy objects on it. I woke up in full panic, 8:45AM.

I saw Nards and Ira cuddling and they both looked very wasted.

"Oh lord." I hoped that there was no traffic. I hate being late. I hate late. I hate people waiting for me. I hate waiting too. How can I forget miss full of surprises. I immediately called Abby my Assistant Branch Manager, I told her if she sees a pretty girl, great teeth, smells great, her name is Sofia to give her a cappuccino and 3 red velvet cupcakes and tell the girl to wait for me.

I couldn't think of a great excuse. I just can't afford to lose this attention. Her attention. I arrived 20 minutes late. She was waiting for me and she smiled when I entered the shop.

"I am terribly sorry for being late. I over slept."
"It's ok, Abby gave me my order, you called her nohh?" She started to look like teasing me.
"Yes, I don't want you to be very upset, are you?" I look apologetic I should.
"No, I am glad you came"

She smiled. I smiled. We talked about anything, I can feel connection. We have the same wavelengths. She understands my puns, my sarcasm, my point of views. She listens. I listen. She's really mannered. She dressed well, Skinny jeans, white shirt, pearl earrings, pony tails. She looks really simple.

Sofia Dominique Manzano Santos, 26 years old, Atenean, Cum Laude, Management Engineering. Lives in Marikina. Unica Ija. Works at San Miguel Corporation as an Assistant Brand Manager. Never had a boyfriend and a girlfriend. Drives a Toyota Yaris.

"I wanna tell you something, Berts." I felt really scared. I felt she's going to say something that will break my heart. "You were my first love." I couldn't say anything. All I can think of is that, how on earth did we met? where? when?

"Well Thank you Sofia, But I can't really remember you, I guess I am too old now, please tell me, I wanna know you more?"

She was teary eyed. She couldn't look at me. "You're not that old. You don't look old. You were a 2nd year High School, I was grade 4, you were very popular, you played basketball, you perform well at school, you were really humble and I was bullied. I look hideous back then, they called me names. One time we were both at the guard house, I was crying, you approached me and asked what's wrong, you said "It's gonna be ok, don't mind them, prove them wrong" then you gave me your pink bandana for me to wipe my tears."

I suddenly remembered that day. She was the girl whom I always see crying at the side of the guard house.

"You made me a better person, you don't know how much those words mean to me, you are such a kind hearted person, I looked all over for you and it is better late than never. Thank you."

I was overwhelmed. "Sofia, I am really lost for words." I tried not to cry. I can't show weakness.

"I feel great seeing you again, I could use a hug Berts, I do, I hope it is not too much to ask"

I hugged her. I felt pain in her heart. I wanted to know her more.



I was really tired from my work that day, but I love what I am doing, I love my shop. There was no traffic which was great. What a beautiful life. I landed at my condo safe. While the elevator was about to close I heard somebody was rushing in. I pressed the open button. Some of the passengers were a little pissed.

"Thanks!" and she was perspiring and looking for her keys at her humongous bag. 
"Hi, Kamusta na? Ira" 
"Oh my god, Berts! Hi! You live here din pala. Which floor are you at?" 
"14, how long have you been here?" 
"Wow, wow, 14 din ako! Last week pa. Kamusta kamusta?" 
"Well I have my dream job now, haha, I have a coffee shop please do visit me pag may time ka, let's have coffee, or I can make you coffee now? since neighbors naman pala tayo." 
"Yes i'd love to, I just had a bad day." "Sige kwento mo yan" 

I pointed my door 1401, only to find out that she lives at 1402. I opened the door and I saw the tv was on and someone was cooking popcorn, I can smell the butter upon entrance. 

"Bro, movie tayo ah, may ikekwento ako! May crush ako, katapat lang ng entrance door mo!" Ira heard what my best buddy said, she just smiled, and pretended not to hear anything, 

"Bro, pop... corn.." She was startled to see the girl she's eyeing.

"Ah, Bro, meet Ira, she was my high school friend way back in Riyadh, she lives next door, iwan ko muna kayo I'll make coffee."

"Berts, wag na coffee, mukhang masarap popcorn eh!" "Cool I'll just get beer in cans or coke?" 

"Beer!" said Nards and Ira. They looked at each other and laughed as if they already new each others last names. 

While I was getting drinks and preparing chips, I peeked at them and they were having an adult conversation. I was really proud of my buddy. She's entertaining my visitor, my high school friend. 
She wasn't "SHOPE" or "Torpe" that night. I guess napasubo na siya ng husto.  

I gave my lazy seat for Ira for the night. I mean Nards like Ira. I only see Ira as a friend. I gave the chips to Ira and gave a can of beer for both of them. "Cheers!" And we were watching a horror film. Ira and I were squealing like hell. Nards took the opportunity to be near her. 

We had 4 cans of beer each, I was half asleep, but one thing I know about my self I can hear when I am asleep. I can hear then talking, and trying to get a photo of me, I couldn't move, I was tired and lying on the couch. I hear smirks. Then I heard them kissing. Or I was only dreaming. 

Black out. 


100 Truths About Berts Urdaneta

1. last beverage = Water
2. last phone call = Food Park
3. last text message = My dad
4. last song you listened to = Nothing at all - Nelly Furtado
5. last time you cried = The other day

6. dated someone twice = yes
7. cheated someone = yes.. :|
8. kissed someone & regretted it = yesss?
9. lost someone special = YES
10. been depressed = I think I am always depressed. haha. YES
11. been drunk and threw up = OHH YEAH!

12. black
13. blue
14. white

15. Made a new friend = yes!
16. Fallen out of love = NO
17. Laughed until you cried = Yes
18. Met someone who changed you = yeah, maybe?
19. Found out who your true friends were = yep!
20. Found out someone was talking about you = I'm not sure..
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = Yes :))

22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = almost all.
24. Do you have any pets = yes
25. Do you want to change your name = sort of
26. What did you do for your last birthday = I ate spaghetti.
27. What time did you wake up today = 830
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = Ate dinner (haha!)
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = I can't wait to have a job with high salary and a great boss
30. Last time you saw your Mother = last night
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = I wish I VET MED.
32. What are you listening to right now = Nothing
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Braden = Nope
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = The hot weather
35. Most visited webpage = facebook.com
37. Nicknames = July, Jul, Berts, Berting
38. Relationship Status = taken for granted. JOKE. single!
39. Zodiac sign = Cancer
40. He or She = Ang?
41. Elementary = Wesleyan Academy
42. High School = IPSR
43. College = Miriam College
44. Hair colour = black
45. Long or short = Short.
46. Height = 5'4
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = yah :D
48. What do you like about yourself? = I'm a fast learner
49. Piercings = ears 3
50. Tattoos = one
51. Righty or lefty= left

52. First surgery = wala naman
53. First piercing = ears
54. First best friend = Patricia
55. First sport you joined = BASKETBALL
56. First vacation = Baguio?
58. First pair of trainers = Nike

59. Eating = just ate
60. Drinking = no
61. I'm about to = look for a job OL
62. Listening to = Nothing
63. Waiting for = call for interview
64. Want kids? = IDK. Maybe
65. Get Married? = OFC
66. Career? = Entrepreneur, Artist, Writer, singer, blogger, foodie

67. Lips or eyes = Eyes
68. Hugs or kisses = hugs sabay kiss :))
69. Shorter or taller = Tall :))
70. Older or Younger = Same age
71. Romantic or spontaneous = Same
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = Nice stomach. whew! :D
73. Sensitive or loud = Sensitive
74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationshit
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = Hesitant

76. Kissed a stranger = OO
77. Drank hard liquor = OH YES!
78. Lost glasses/contacts = many times
79. Sex on first date = bwahaha yes
80. Broken someone's heart = YES
81. Had your own heart broken = 3x
82. Been arrested = NOPE
83. Turned someone down = yeah.. :|
84. Cried when someone died = of course!
85. Fallen for a friend = YES

86. Yourself = of course!
87. Miracles = yes!
88. Love at first sight = NO
89. Heaven = yes
90. Santa Claus = NO
91. Kiss on the first date = yes :">
92. Angels = yes, i do :)

93. Had more than one bf/gf = yeah
94. Do you miss someone? OFC
95. Did you sing today = yep!
96. Ever cheated on somebody = i guess... i guess... :|
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why = no.. I'm happy the ways things are.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be = The night she wanted her freedom.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love = yes and it's really hard for me to trust someone when you're still starting.
100. Posting this as 100 truths =yes

NAME 15 :))

Look at your Facebook Wall and then write the names of the last fifteen people who have written on your wall. If they’ve posted more than once, only use their name once and skip to the next person.

1. Mayrhose Baculna
2. Jorge Veranga
3. Ramon I. Castillo
4. Jenny Bungar
5. Camille Sano
6. Lady Buhat
7. Em Velasco
8. Alyzzsa Nosuelo
9. Jessie Borlagdan
10. Shine Altiche
11. Ruan Gentapa
12. Chritine Rublico
13. Unika Aycocho
14. Jovie Marcos
15. Pinky Jurane

Then answer these questions about your facebook friends:

Q: What’s the best memory you have of 9? Haha! We were talking about my first ex gf sa may ADAA! LOL
Q: When’s the next time you’re gonna see 4? Soon soon! Hopefully next year

Q: Is number 8 pretty? OO NAMAN! GF ko yan eh LOLS

Q: What was your first impression of number 10? Nakakatakot na stalker LOL

Q: How did you meet 3? He's the president of Innovatronix, my boss way back in the Philippines, a great motivator and entrepreneur.

Q: Is 11 your best friend? hahah more'of good friends

Q: Have you seen 5 in the last month? Grabe! grade 6 ata ako hull kami nag kita nian.

Q: Do you think 2 has a crush on you? Tatay ko kaya yan. LOL NO!

Q: When was the last time you saw 12? Last Week! LOL sa Mirdif

Q: Have you ever been to 1’s house? Opcors!

Q: When’s the next time you’ll see 13? IDK, basra pag umuwe ako

Q: Have you ever gotten in trouble with 15? bwahahah NO

Q: What do you and number 3 talk about the most? Business :)

Q: Do you even know 14? Naman :) 80% probability na mabasa niya to. LOL
Q: Would you give number 3 a hug? that would be awkward LOL

Q: Are you in love with number 8? :)) O naman. LOL

Q: Do you know a secret about number 13? hmm. wala naman?

Q: Describe the relationship between number 9 and number 5? hindi nila kilala ang is at isa

Q: What is the best thing about your friendship with number 7? Chain chain chain of fools LOL Naririnig ko kasi palagi sknya yan hung HS

Q: Have you ever danced with number 6? Maybe? lol

Q: How long have you known number 12? Since April :))

Q: Have you ever been in a fight with number 13? NO

Q: Have you ever wanted to punch number 15 in the face? :)) :)) :)) oo yata. :))) :)) :))

Q: Has number 1 ever met your mother? NO

Q. How did you meet number 6? SA BHC. Seat mate, sa part time job. LOL

Q: Did you ever accidentally physically hurt number 5? can't remember. maybe,....

Q: What is the best memory you have with number 1? Wala huhu

Q: Do you live close to 7? Nope, subic pa yan

Q: Out of all 15, who do you think is the funniest? Si Lady! lol number 6!

Q: Who is the most flirtatious? si 15

Q: Say something nice about number 14, we're both bloggers

Q: Which one do you hang out with the most? number 12

Q: The quietest? Si boss MON ;))

Q: What kind of car does number 13 have? Ford :D

Q: Have you traveled anywhere with number 8? Dito lang sa sharjah.. hohoho

Q: If you gave number 1 $100 dollars tonight, what would they spend it on? Tatago ko lang. Kuripot ako eh.

Q: Have you ever kissed number 7? CHEEKS OO. Torrid hindi. LOL

Q: Are you really close to 2? YES :)

Q: Have you ever been to the movies with 4? OO lakes ng boxes parang promdi perstaym manuod sa sinehan???
Q: What would happen if you put 9 and 1 in a room together? Magkkwentuhan lang yan ng cross stick? lol joke ewan
Q: If you could change one thing about number 13 what would it be? Wala super baet nian

Q: Are you older than number 4? NO

Q: Have you gotten “sexual” with 8? NOOOO :))))))

Q: If you were to go to a wedding would you take 1? Not really. haha

Q: If you were crying would 12 cheer you up? OO! LOL

Q: If you found out that 10 and 15 were going out, what would you do? Cannot bee! lol

Q: Have you slept in any of their beds? YES? lol
Q: Has any of them ever spent the night at your house? YES

Q: Who did you go to the movies with last? NUMBER 12 :)

Q: Who have you known the longest? my dad. :))

Q: Who will you always be friends with no matter what? My dad.

Q: Would you help 4 out in a fight? o naman.
Q: Have you ever seen 4 cry? NO..

Q: What’s 7’s favorite color? DI KO ALAM!

Q: What would you do if 8 just confessed they liked you? I love yu tu! LOL

Q: How do you think 15 feels about you? wala! closed book na yan.

Q: What Language Does number 13 Speak? ENGLISH, TAGALOG?

Q: Who is 6 going out with? Ewan ko. di pa kami nagwwentuhan haha

Q: Is 1 single? OO :))

Q: What is 10s last name? Altiche?

Q: Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 5? NOOOO!

Q: What would you like to tell 7 right now? Te EM yer ze best :D

Q: Ever kissed 2? OPO :) DADDY ko nga siyaaa

Q: Would you donate an organ to save 4’s life? NO. MAS MALAKAS PA SA KABAYO YAN! Baka siya pa mag donate sakin.


Random Thoughts. So Gwapo Berting. :))

Hindi sa pag fefeeling, nung una ko nakita itong commercial na ito. Feeling ko, ako yung girl. Ang pretty niya bet na bet ko. She resembles someone, but nevermind. ehem. p

Then I saw the guy, shucks pogi, mas gusto ko ako ung guy. Haha! If Berts was real(my alter ego) I want Berts would look like him! He's a commercial model pala ehhh

at KINIKILIG ako sakanilang dalawa. Bagay sila. ughhh...

MHL Episode 75

It is so hard to be in Lally's shoes. A strong woman in general. If there are girls who are at the same situation now, God is with you. He counts your tears. He hears your agonies. I salute you! Miss Carla Abellana.Truly, you are a great actress. You made me cried again Lally. I can feel the pain in your heart and whole being.

Kung ako lang si Vincent, hindi na ako mababakla. Shucks naman sa ganda mo Lally. Ahay!!! Akin ka na lang let's make ganti to Vincent, tibo ka rin... diba?. LOL

Epsode 75 - is a must watch episode. Standing O Ms. Carla Abellana!


When I Met Miss Full of Surprises

 It was a sunny morning, business was doing great. I was thinking of venturing into another business or might as well try this mutual fund investment. I was baking at the same time, rushing myself to put the cupcakes on the freezer cause the store will open at 9am. I still have 10 minutes. When I was putting cupcakes on the freezer. I heard the chimes ring. I forgot to lock the door. Then I saw someone's legs.

When I went up in a rush. "Good Morning! Red velvet cupcakes please, tatlo". I wanted to tell her were not open yet. But then again the customer is always right. Plus she's really pretty.

"Surely, Good Morning, It's you again. Would you like some coffee, cappuccino, frappe?"

I looked at her with a smile. She's really pretty. She was really surprised to see me.

"Sige, I want cappuccino" Her eyes was smiling. What a morning at Betty's cakes. She was carrying a book. Wearing sneakers, shorts, gray sleeveless with plaid polo shirt. Her hair was on lazy braided pigtails. She put her book on a table. A sign of letting me know that she will sit on that territory.

"Are you the owner of this shop?" "Yes, here's your cupcakes and I'll send your cappuccino in a while"
She paid the exact amount for the cupcakes and cappuccino, wow, she is a frequent customer of the shop. 

"Nice to meet you, Berts" I was a little surprised she knew my name. Ten seconds after, I realized I was wearing an apron with my name on it. Funny me.

One of my barista came, Abby, she prepared the cappuccino. I took the cappuccino from Abby and said I'll take it from here. I approached my first client.

"Here's you Cappuccino, miss?" "Sofia, thank you" I left her with a huge smile. I couldn't take it. I couldn't hide it. I turned around. Immediately.

I came back behind the cashier station. Attending one customer after another, I was really busy taking orders, when chances are there to glance, I do check on her if she's still there. I was hoping if she's looking at me. Unfortunately, she wasn't. Maybe she's straight.She's busy writing something.

It was pass 10:30 she's gone. I didn't even see her leave. She left her book. I opened her book. Saw colorful sticky notes inside.
" Hi Berts, I just wanted you to know that you really look cute today. :D I'll see you tomorrow. Same time here at your beautiful shop. Same order na rin. The payment is at page 21. :))"
And I felt inspired. I hope it wasn't a play for a gag show or what. Cause I wasn't ready to be a victim. On the other hand, I thought I am that rusty. I still have the charm. I guess. This could be good.

Me and my FLUCTUATING emotions. 3x.


LSS for the WEEK

Delayed na kung delayed. I love this song na... :D :)) 

You've Made Me Stronger 
Singer - Ms. Regine Velasquez - Alcasid

Is it hard to believe I’m okay
After all, it’s been awhile
Since you walked away
I’m way past crying
Over you finding someone new
You turned my days into nights (days into nights)
But now I see the light
And this maybe a big surprise to you

cause you made me stronger
By breaking my heart
You ended my life
And made a better one start
You taught me everything
From falling in love
To letting go of a lie
Yes, you made me stronger
Baby, by saying goodbye

If you rather believe I’m not over you
Go ahead
There’s nothing wrong with making believe
I know
Cuz I used to pretend you’d come back to me
But time has been such a friend
Brought me to my senses again
And I have you to thanked (I have you to thanked)
For setting me free (for setting me free)

Cuz you’ve made me stronger
By breaking my heart
You ended my life
And made a better one start
You taught me everything
From falling in love
To letting go of a lie
Yes, you’ve made me stronger
Baby, by saying goodbye

Think again
Don’t feel so sorry for me, my friend
Oh, don’t you know
I’m not the one who lose at end (I’m not the one)

Cuz you’ve made me stronger
By breaking my heart
You ended my life
And made a better one start
You taught me everything
From falling in love
To letting go of a lie
Yes, you’ve made me stronger
Baby, by saying goodbye

You ended my life
And made a better one start
You taught me everything
From falling in love
To letting go of a lie
Yes, you’ve made me stronger
Baby, by saying goodbye, goodbye
You’ve made me stronger
Baby, by saying goodbye


my lullaby tonight

Tattle Tale - Glass Vase Cello (Music from the Movie - But I am A Cheerleader) 

Breathe into my hands I'll cup them like a glass to drink fromAre you still, still breathin'Are you stillBreathin'Are you still, still breathin'Are you stillBreathin'Breathe into my hands I'll cup them like a glass to drink from

Ways to WIN my HEART (as a Friend/Lover)

1. If you said something "Beautiful" about me
OK. I know I can be both maganda/pogi. LOL. But if you did. You got me at step ONE.

2. Ask me out on a "Friendly date" *undertones
Then argue with me sa bills. I like that shit. *kilig/friendship

3. Remember the little things I say
I talk too much. I am very keen in details. If you don't remember what I said you are not focused with me and when you are not focused with me I feel unimportant.

2. Don't DOUBT what I say
When I say something. It's always the truth. Listen and don't nag.

3. Extra One GIG
I usually forget things. I could use your help to recall the things that I have forgotten e.g. I forgot where I placed my wallet, eyeglass, phones :))

4. Communication
I am going to tell you everything I know and I expect the same from you. :))

5. Be friends with my friends
Friends are like family to me. Don't even be jealous with them.

6. Be close with my MOM
My mom is my first GF, If you win her heart you'll be taken care of us... ALWAYS.

7. Don't touch my PLATE
I love to eat. I like sharing. But don't touch my plate. LOL. OK!

8. Don't give me any food with Mayonnaise
If you're a friend, you know why I hate Mayonnaise.

9. Act like idiots
Let's act like idiots and have our own world.

10. Patience.
Be patient with me in everything. I am not perfect. But I really hate waiting. :))


Conscience - Mala Safeguard Commercial

"Please don't be in love with someone else, I really hope we can fight space and time?"

Asa ka Berting.

Meron akong crush. Hindi ko siya pinansin masyado nung una ko siyang nakilala, pero ayan aaminin ko kinikilig nanaman ako at kinikilig pa rin ako. So masaya ako ngayon na ok kami. "Kami" *undertones. 

Pero dati napapaisip ako sa possibilities na pwede nga. Posible! Sabi nga ni ADI DASLER "Nothing is Impossible" *undertones

"We're friends" *undertones. This line, the same piece of shit na ginamit namin ng ex ko para ideny naming mahal naming ang isa't isa. Tseh. In denial ba ito? "Anu ba ito?" *undertones

Anyway, ayoko na mainlab sa kaibigan nun nawala si ex. "Ayoko na!, Actually mainlab, bitterr moohh Bertssss..." *undertones

Ewan ko talaga, I am just being me. I appreciate everything about her and I am just cautious. Ok na siguro na magfriends kami. "Kami" *undertones. 

Then sa kalagitnaan ng usapan namin noon, dahil naging close nga kami. "Kami" *undertones

Nalaman ko sila na. Gumuho ang eroplano plano ko. Aaminin ko, may kurot akong naramdaman. Kurot na hindi ko maintindihan sa puso or sa pride dahil kilala ko yun kwan niya. Wala naman akong k magalit. Nabigla lang ako. 

"Congratulations... o siya, Next" *undertones

I still feel special, pero shempre nakadistribute ung affection niya dun sa isa. In short, hindi ako ang centro ng kanyang universe. Not fun. Kasi, selfish ako. Kaya hindi ko kaya maging friends sa ex ko. 

Mahirap kayang maging masaya para sa iba kung hindi ikaw ang ikinasisiya niya. 


At dahil taken na siya. Platonic life style na naman ako. Kikiligin na lang ako sakanila. Baka nga hindi siya para sakin. 

Baka Kai-BI-GAN lang ako. "Lang" *undertones*echo 3x 

*Hugas kamay* 


Yellow Baby

I was sitting in a fancy restaurant, I turned around cause I wanted to go to the toilet. As usual. Somebody held the microphone, "You, handsome girl, wearing yellow polo shirt". I didn't know that she was pertaining to me.

"Berting! Turn around!". I saw her with his man, I felt a little hurt on my chest. Seeing my ex with the man she chose to be with. The guy she replaced me with. It's been years since I saw her. I turned around.

"Thank you for turning around baby, I know your going to the toilet again, hohoho, please hold on, this won't take long. I love you. Yes you! I am lost for adjectives to describe how perfect you are to me. You are going to marry me. I am gonna make you marry me. I don't care about your past, I don't care about your exes, It's you I want and prayed for. No MAN! or WOMAN! is flyer than you. Let's have a world of our own and act like idiots. I love you Roberto Urdaneta Jr., come here and kiss me now"

I ran towards her. Hugged her tight and kissed her on her forehead. I was focused on her face, how beautiful she was that night. How infinite that moment was. Everyone was clapping and witnessing our love.

She whispered "Your ex is behind our table, I had to fight for us and don't you dare come back to her baby, I love you and you are going to be punished later".

I whispered back and kissed her lips "I love you too baby, punish me all you wan't".

We ran out of the restaurant. 

"Put it in the tab, I'll be back tomorrow"

"Ok Boss"


I love you Peter Pan! :))


The One That Got Away

You were the one that got away - I still think about you. I miss you Karla. 
I love you hopelessly for years.
Happy 25th Baliw.
I love you. 

Summer after high school when we first met
We make-out in your Mustang to Radiohead
And on my 18th Birthday
We got matching tattoos

Used to steal your parents' liquor
And climb to the roof
Talk about our future
Like we had a clue
Never planned that one day
I'd be losing you

In another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world

In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away

I was June and you were my Johnny Cash
Never one without the other We made a pact
Sometimes when I miss you
I put those records on (whoa)

Someone said you had your tattoo removed
Saw you downtown singing the Blues
It's time to face the music
I'm no longer your muse

But in another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world

In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
The one(X3)
The one that got away

All this money can't buy me a time machine (No)
Can't replace you with a million rings (No)
I shoulda told you what you meant to me (Whoa)
Cause now I pay the price

In another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world

In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
The one(X3)

In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away



In tagalog, hindi mo siya mahal. Wala ka lang magawa. Ok siya pampalipas oras, hindi mo din siya gusto. Napapasaya ka lang niya. 


Oops I did it AGAIN. I played with someones heart to make me happy with my miser ale 


I was 17 when I first saw her. She looks pretty and witty. She was taller than me, but I knew she did liked me from her text messages.

I was running 40 on thread mill, team mate buddy was weight lifting. She walk towards us, mad, as if her husband was cheating on her, but they weren't in a relationship back then.

"Sino yung nagbabantay sayo?!" She was furious at my team mate. 

I was surprised. Small talk arrived. Team mate introduced me to her. I was too quiet back then. She was trying to be close with me and she did caught my attention. I like her back and nobody knows it but me.
I remember she was one strong smoker. Buddy and I were trying to make her quit. Unfortunately, she couldn't quit smoking.

A few months after, she started to be a little out of our reach. She pretended that her father was stalking her daily cause he found out the she and my team mate were in a relationship. Which was their "reason" for breaking up.

Lo and behold, she started seeing another team mate which made my buddy upset. Which was really rude. I had no right to ridicule. They didn't last long, I didn't interfere. I had no right to. I don't want to.

Then she started playing futsal for our school. Which was cool because she carried herself well. We never had a clear conversation since she started dating the other team mate, a smaller team mate. 

But before we stopped talking. I suddenly remembered why I turned turtle about her. She was trying to sell a 1000 peso fake dvd to me. The dvd only costs 90 pesos. I couldn't believe myself for that kind of betrayal. Its a good thing I didn't buy it, but after that. I found her really cheap. I stopped replying to her texts.

She was like my attorney, she tried to fix me and the first girl I really liked when we were first year. She calls and texts me when she needs a drinking buddy.  She was considered one of my good friends. But she threw me away, I guess "wala siyang mahinita saakin". Maybe, but really there are just some people who are not meant for you to stay. 

After first year, she transferred to DLSU-CSB. I have heard she was much more popular than ever. She has her own website/blog and been traveling too much.Then I saw her one time at Petron Katipunan, I was getting gas. I was in 3rd year. She went down in a tricycle. We exchanged awkward hellos. 

That was the last encounter I had with her since the dvd thing. And now I am writing about her. This sounds irrational, I don't know maybe I wasn't rich enough to suffice our friendship. There's no use thinking about it anymore, but clearly I did miss her and she left me hanging. 

So yeah sabi sa kanta ni Aiza Seguerra "Anung nangyari sa ating dalawa.." :)) 

Maybe in a another life we'd be bffs. lol. 




Song of the WEEK!

Michael Bolton Feat Tami Chynn

Can you feel me?
Can you feel me?
I don't wanna open my eyes
'Cause if I do I'll have to leave you

And I don't understand
Why my heart won't do what I tell it to
Wash over me with anythin' but your tears
Wash over me with anythin' but my fears
Come on, come on

Can you feel me tryin' to leave your arms?
Can you hear me beggin' to stay?
Can you feel me tryin' to leave your arms?
Can you beg me, beg me to stay?

I don't wanna say goodbye
'Cause if I do I may not leave you
And I don't ever wanna cry
With thoughts that I may never breathe you

Wash over me with anythin' but your tears
Wash over me with anythin' but my fears
Come on, come on

Can you feel me tryin' to leave your arms?
Can you hear me beggin' to stay?
Can you hear me?

Why don't you warm up these lips
With your fingertips?

Oh, my body just aches up the thought
Of you sayin' goodbye

Oh, when you look at me
With them gorgeous eyes
You know that I can't pretend
Is this the end, it feels so right

So can you feel me tryin' to leave your arms?
Can you hear me beggin' to stay?
Can you hear me?
Can you feel me tryin' to leave your arms? Your arms, no
Can you beg me, beg me to stay?
Can you feel me? Can you feel me?
Can you feel me? Can you feel me?
Beg me to stay, beg me to stay, oh

I don't wanna open my eyes
'Cause if I do I may not leave you
I don't wanna open my eyes
'Cause if I do I may not leave you


I wan't to create my version!

REALLYYY SOOON! Pati ung how we are during heart breaks. goshhh naman!
busyyy banana ako. :)) 


Huli na ito

Hindi mawalan ng trabaho ang pinakamasakit na binitawan ko. Ikaw yun. 

Isang matinding kadramahan na naman. Isa akong walking teleserye. Ikaw na naman naisip kong isulat. Kailan kaya kita makakalimutan. Ang dami ko nang nakilala dito sa gitnang silangan, ang daming maganda dito. Pero alam ko panandalian lang ang mga ito. Lintik naman oh, ikaw pa rin. Ang tindi mo. 

Sa parte ng daigdig na to, bawal ang tanga. Parang pinasusyal na Quiapo dito. Napaka swerte ko nga lang kasi nakita ko ang mga taong tunay saakin. Kung tutuusin hindi ko na maipinta o masabi ung gusto kong gawin, para bang lahat ng gusto ko nawalan ng saysay. Pero sige dahil kelangan ko, tuloy pa rin ang buhay. Kelangan kong mabuhay. Madalas natutulala na lang ako. Anu na Berting? Asan ka na? Wala. Yolo.

Naaalala mo pa ba nung nagkita tayo sa UP para lang mag tapsilog sa Rodics? Galing pa akong China nuon. Baguhan pa lang tayung nag mamaneho nun. Ako si Franck Muller. Alam mo yun. Magkatabi tayo parati, umiiwas ako sayo kasi ayaw mo mahalata ka ng ibang kaklasi natin. Pero ikaw pasaway ka nalapit ka pa rin. Ang bonjing mo talaga. 

Nung nagkasakit ako, sabi ko wag mo na ako samahan sa hospital. Kasi mahahalata tayo. Hindi ka nga sumama pero grabe ka mag alala kakatxt sa sun ko. May sun cell tayo nun! magkasunod pa number natin, kaso inferness nakalimutan ko na ung number. 

Hinawakan ko kamay mo sa harap ni Editor, nung nahuli tayo.  Sa Multiply tayo na huli, hindi mo kasi pinaltan ung password mo nung nag pagawa ka ng theme sa kanya, napaka burara mo talaga. Buti na lang wala nang Multiply. Burado na memories natin. Yung baboy na un, sabi kapatid daw ang nakealam ng multiply mo. Bullshit noh? Naaalala mo pa un?

Sinigawan ko siya na wala siyang pakialam satin dahil mahal natin isat isa. At kung makareact siya parang magulang mo. Inaaway niya tayo. Ayaw niya saakin. Kung anu ano na binato saakin ni Editor, matitinding pang lalaet na hindi ko maintindihan kung bakit siya galit na galit saakin. 

Pero di nag tagal, natanggap niya din tayo. 

Nakilala mo naman siya. 

Nakalimutan mo na ang lahat. Nakalimutan mo ako. Tuwang tuwa naman si editor. As in. 

Sana makilala ko na rin yung sakin. Sana naman mawala na to. Ayoko na talaga. Namimiss na kita bilang kaibigan. Alam ko sa isang "sorry" lang, kaya kong kalimutan ang lahat. Wag kang babalik. Tandaan mo yan. Mahal pa kasi kita. Wag ngayon. Wag na lang muna. Siguro.

Sa mga akala kong kaibigan na tinalikuran ako. Salamat. Pinakita ninyo sakin kung gaano kayo kaopen minded.

Huli na itong emotional blog about you. Huli na ito.