
Eleanor and Park

Just finished this book a friend recommended last week. It took me 2 days to finish it but it could've been a day cause I had to help my mom with the groceries. It was a story of a half Korean/American boy named Park Sheridan who fell in love with Eleanor Douglas. The book was written in a unique and chronological way by dividing the chapters into two parts - Eleanor's and Park's. The story deals with issues such as child abuse, domestic abuse, racism, bullying and love (First love/Secret love).

Comic books, mixed tapes and the school bus - the main characters fell in love over these. The three of the fore mentioned words could be a great title for MMK (haha). While I was reading the book, love has indeed no boundaries - No age, No size, No Gender and No Color. All love. It should be all love.

The setting was during the 80s, I wasn't really into comics. I couldn't even relate to the music artists mentioned but I sure did experienced mixed tapes, walkmans and batteries. School bus, I did had a crush during my school bus days. But I wasn't embracing my true self back then(If you know what I mean, mine's should probably count into the love - secret love category b section 2. Whuuut. Ako lang nakakaintindi).

Eleanor was abused and deals with a terrible life style daily. But she's a smart ass. On the other hand she met Park, her sunshine. Park has a very supportive family and he's very close to her mom. I think momma's boys are great with girls(relationships). I am starting to believe I am a momma's boy/girl. LOL. I also felt the feeling of how hard it was not to have a telephone at home. Eleanor doesn't have a home phone. Cellphones was still in the process of technology. And the highest form of technology there was a telephone.

The two has a lot of differences from built to personality. But they love each other very much.

I am not really satisfied with such short or lacking endings. I'd rather read a bad ending than go figure whats next. If you're an optimistic person you'd probably say they end up together and have 4 kids. If you're pessimistic, you'd say that they wont last long cause they don't have skype yet, collect calls were expensive, things might have change because of their distance and they just might have this tragic-puppy-first-love thing.

I give 8stars over 10 for this book. Simple, Narrative, nailed my inner child.

Good job, Rainbow writer. If that was your real name or nom de plum. Youre cool Mr. Rainbow. 


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