
They say you ain't growing up if you ain't losing friends.

Dear Buddy,

She is just a girl. Very ambivalent and you thought she's fierce but she ends up weak. She lit a fire and made you believe into something magical. I feel your pain even though I am away from you. My buddy it's okay to mourn, let me remind you that never let anymore treat you like an option. Amend your mistakes and let God restore your frowning heart. Forgive her and yourself too, cause you knew it was somehow not possible. I know somewhere out there there's another UNICORN made for you. I completely understand. Let people react to what needs to be. You still man the wheel of your life and don't let it be taken away. Just my thoughts. Its not worth it for them to drag you down. Stay well and I'll always have your back. If you need someone to listen, call me. Keep yourself busy and sabi ko nga let it GOAT.

Mwah mwaaah mwa TSUP TSUP TSUP! Torrids. 

Eat ka chicken sa andoks. I miss andoks. HUUUUU...


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