
Everything about LIFE Seminar - Mr. Francis Kong

I had a wonderful time listening to Mr. Francis Kong. When I first saw Tita Angie's invitation I didn't hesitate to take the opportunity to see him for free. Because one, I am quite lost in track right now, could use and listen to a motivator who can put me back on the corporate arena. Two, I just knew participating in his seminars would cost a lot in the Philippines.

Well, thanks to Filinvestors, they brought Mr. Kong to speak here in Dubai, UAE.

At first the Filinvest people were doing their Marketing Campaign, video presentations were shown as part of their strategy in order to sell properties in the Philippines for Filipino OFWs. Their mission is to empower, unite and engage Filipinos overseas by creating opportunities for them to build the Filipino dream, that is to go home to their own houses.

Finally when Mr. Kong was introduced, he wasn't actually endorsing Filinvest. He was more on sharing his ka-look-alikes, jokes, experiences, leadership, knowledge about filipino traits, family, money, money management, business, and his failures.

I honestly learned a lot of things from him since I am lost and despair for my career. I saw the relevance of how money can blind you and affect peoples lives, I saw how he values the importance of family. There were parental styles shared as well. It's quite funny that I had to listen to that when I was sitting beside my mother.

PLUS I really admire men who stick to their partners, I found him sweet when he introduced his wife and kids. He even said he finished high school in 6 years, with a PHD. Passing with High Difficulty.

All in all I had a great time with the community leaders in Dubai. You can see a lot of Filipinos packed inside the room, the seats were very limited, people were standing the whole evening yet the warmth, the love and the energy of the audience made the evening very magical.

God is good.

Shukran Katir Mr. Kong!

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas. Mabuhay ang Pinoy!

For those of you who wasn't able to see him last night, go to Abu Dhabi tonight til Friday! :) 

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