
Simple, Sexy and Smart = S3

I remember talking to a friend. Asking me what type of girls turns me on. I said breasts(typical-stupid-boy-answer) but eventually that friend of mine made me realize that its much better to like the LEGS of a girl instead of the breasts. Maybe that's why my ex gfs are taller than me? LOL.

"Breasts can't walk? Legs can!" What a genius UP student. But legs really are my number 2 requirement.

What really turns me on is the cleanliness of a Girl with the plus factor that she is very smart. See the picture of Emma Stone. I bet her neck smells great. Simple beautiful. That's my girl! I don't mind about the bangs - as long as you can carry them :))

If you got that Simple beautiful, Sexy and Smart look please see me. I am single and will never ever leave you. Together we can crash and burn baby! :)

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