

So how I moved on? here are the things I did.

1. Get even and walk away - don't ever look back!
2. Cry in front of your closest friends.
3. Cry to sleep.
4. Boxing.
5. Jogging.
6. Blogging.
7. Meet new friends.
8. Try something new.
9. Clean the toilet.
10. Shout at someone randomly
22. Eat
23. Drink with best buddy
24. Therapeutic Massage
25. Bake
26. Clean the stockroom.
27. Talk to the dogs.
28. Wake boarding
29. Dance
30. Date
31. Swimming
32. Body treatments
33. Walk the dogs.
34. Beach
35. Garage sale
36. Cake decoration class
37. Watch tv
38. Draw
39. Read
40. cook thai food

Approximately, I am 8 months single.
I dated twice, after my ex left me, but didn't work out. Cause I wasn't entirely into dating and faking feelings. I just let loose.

Hello kitty was pretending to be  interested with gay people like me and it was obvious that she quite used me. But we did have something to remember though. She is 99.% straight. Definitely.

Mermaid, on the other hand, was overwhelming and I guess she has too much things on her mind and dating was not her priority. It happened and ended so fast. She said she was Bi, she gave me too much information, I was a bit scared on some of the details though. We could. But. IDK. Maybe we didn't have that much chemistry. Just plain Physics form months of separation from our exes. I guess we were both not over our exes that day. LOL. She did most of the talking. But I did like her, at some point, unfortunately that she didn't like me like I like her. She's different. Well yeah. OK. BYE. NEXT.

After dating two girls, and not minding some, cause they didn't reached my standards, IKR, I realized that my market value went hero to zero. I need to get back in shape, I always thought circle was a shape. I must be gorgeous again. ugh,. SOON!

For now I'll just save all my love for someone worthy to fall for. I wish to bump into HER soon. But I really want a foreigner gf now. SERIOUSLY.

Bye for now.

Good Night UAE.

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