
My First Girl Friend

Thank you mom for accepting the real me.
Thank you for keeping me protected, safe and happy.
Thank you for your infinite love and immeasurable patience.
Thank you for letting me fall when I had to learn by making my own mistakes.
Thank you for your endless concerns.
Thank you for making me laugh when I was frustrated.
Thank you for the limitless hugs, kisses and vitamins :D
Thank you for the support I receive from you every single day. 

Thank you mom for keeping me warm, calm and for keeping me sane – cause you know most of the time my sanity is running away from me.
Thank you for understanding for the times that I would be mad or upset with you
but you are always forgiving me in the end.
Thank you for sticking up for me, for encouraging me and believing in me.

Thank you mom for teaching me to be honest, courteous, appreciative and loving.
Thank you for trying to teach me to be neat and tidy, even though it didn't work, I guess.
Thank you mom for instilling in me a love for travel, food and sports.
Thank you for nurturing me to always try something new and to keep an open mind.
Thank you for always cooking sumptuous meals for me. Still, to this day, you spoil me and I am incredibly grateful for it. Don't forget I don't eat mayonnaise! :)

Thank you mom for showing me how much beauty is around me, and reminding me of it constantly when my world feels dark and frightening.
Thank you for the endless stories, songs and games when I was young, and the endless conversation and knowing smiles now that I am older. 

Thank you mom for being so smart, so beautiful, so wise and so talented. It's nice to know that I have the potential somewhere in my genetics to possibly one day be as special as you.

Mom, the words "I love you" are not adequate enough to express how grateful I am to be your daughter, how much you are appreciated or how much you will always mean to me,

Thank you mom for being my superhero,
my expert-in-everything,
my very best friend. 

My first girl friend.

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