
Power of the MIND

Three hours ago, my head was throbbing. That feeling when your body is weak and I just gotta lay in bed to resurrect such bouncy energy. Bouncy unicorn feeling. I just happen to know that I'll be sick and I should be married with my bed for a little bit longer.

I can't be sick. 

I hate being sick, because nobody but me can help me. Fact that I am such a baby when sick, I just can't be a baby for myself.  Drank water, panadol and vit c. Made myself a bowl of corn soup and ordered tinola for dinner at Food Park(finally they are now having Filipino foods). Anyhow, I think I'm good. I should not get sick. But usually I get sick when climate changes - It's almost winter btw.

I can't be sick.

Drinks water. And blogs about it. Berts di ka pwede mag inarte.

I can't be sick.

#doublefacepalm #dontbesad #happymodeonli #woosah #mejonagiinarte


What F.

You are at your mid twenties, on the verge of being financially stable. Thinking of doing something else, or say you want to be better. What if one day you decide to let go of all the things that give you comfort? What if one day you just don't care about anything but yourself? Have you ever felt that way? Like you just want every movement to stop so you can come in, blend in. In this fast ever changing world. What do you do if you got used to into something?

Thoughts, raised as I entered the bus in panic. I used to think I was this person. My body is in revolt. What is wroooong! Have you ever thought that your body, wait I dont feel like I have a body. I have a collection of pains and different kinds of aches. I need to transplant into another person. Another person but me, preferably those tomboys who doesn't have.. haha. you know what I'll say if you are a "friend".

So tell me. Am I in the stage of the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak? I feel like there's somethings missing.Oh I got my health card from ze office. What F-RIVELEDGE. LOL


The Bitch INC

I hate two girls in my office. Both Arab girls, if you could see us in a birds eye view. I never greet them cause their presence is no longer pleasant for me. I refuse eye contact with them and do small conversations. I am starting to despise them especially the fat one.

OK. The Fat one, I'll call her "Fatty" - She comes in late, she has her own schedule and has a weird english accent. She is very stubborn you can see it in her face. No wrinkles, not a pimple, and she's so fair her skin is such a virgin for blemishes to land on. Why I hate her? She is annoying, when she sees me she gives me tasks which are mostly given to her. She calls me in a weird annoying voice "Jhuuuuliiii". I answer back with a frown and say "What" then all smiles for her to be irritated as well. This afternoon she did the same thing.  She wanted me to do something for her. What I did, I smiled and said. "No". End of story. Bitch! I am not your maid. Today is the end of your happy evenings. No more favors from you Fatty. 

The second one is the the old lady, I'll call her "Witchy" cause she looks like a witch, she is a wanna be receptionist and this lady has too strong facial cheekbones. You would know that she's a tough woman and her husband is scared of her. I thought she was Lebanese cause she is such a fashion victim. She has nothing to do with me actually, but she is just annoying and she talks too loud. I want to tell her to stfu lady I am working here. Shuhada with a big mouth.

I can't do anything but endure seeing them. All I want is to not see them and don't mind them at all. All in all, in the business world, you can't choose your team. It is what it is and you have to deal with it. I am dealing with it and I hope I wont lose my cool for both idiots. I ask for the lord's patience and guidance. Sabi nga ni Eric "Wag ka kasi magpapadala". In my opinion "Learn to let it GOAT"

Sorry lord for the harsh words. I just wanted to vent out this power tripping feeling that I have in the office. FYI I also hate my supervisor - he's one idiot too

 *minsan ok lang maging salbahe TM


Pride and Pre-JULY(Prejudice)

Sometimes the last person on earth you want to be with is the one person you can't live without. 

I AM LIKE. Paki-tagalog. 



Yesterday's email experience at work was tough, it was very tedious. And my eyes hurt - everything was exhausting. My work makes me hibernate and sleep around 10-1030 Pm cause my timings at work is 7-3pm. Sometimes I get the evening shift and the timings would be 2-10pm. I am starting to appreciate the Evening shift, because there's less work. But on the other hand gf on the other side of the world is already hibernating. Shuhada.
Anyway, I would like to express my disappointment with the electrician at my work. To be honest, yesterday I was power tripped. I don't actually want to blog about it, but seriously. I don't get it. I think it is better this way - it is the first time I have been slightly(humbled) bullied. I feel like I am a threat to his position(naks). Really but sending me tasks which he knew that I was already dealing with was really out of the line. Manipulating and directing me duties that are not in my schedule was a bit off as well. PLUS asking me to ask permission to him if I wanna go on lunch break. I am like. WHUT! 
I don't want to think of it as he is punishing me but yeah right I'll just do my job. I know he is pressured too, but I don't care. There's nothing to worry about me. :)) 
So Arbab... Let's play, who doesn't like to play the devil and heat up a bit. #badassnaunicorn


Come Closer

Maybe were not really meant to be.
Could be a question or a sentence. 
We both know that you and I could be together.
We might be together
Might end up together.

Do not keep me in vain
you should kiss me in front of them
I will find it sweeter than words
Hold me while they're looking

Fool me
act like you care
But I beg you
Do not love me in the dark
It hurts, It hurts a lot
but I will choose you

I tried to get over it
On my own
believing that this
wont take long

Patience, patience

Now I got used to it
Don't play with my feelings
Maybe love isn't enough
I couldn't control it

I yearned for you so much
Didn't want anything else
Except your gentle touch

I kept my mouth shut
Trying to deny it to myself
Pretending I didn't have
those feelings

Lying to myself
This love is starting to hurt
Pretending it's not real
Trying to put it in the past
Refusing to reveal

Conceal me from loneline
Sturate my soul
Please relieve my sadness
Cause I feel distress

I love you.
I really need you..