

By accident I wrote akosibert in google, forgetting the to type the letter s. What the heck, lo and behold may akosibert,blogspot! Also there's a twitter user named @akosibert - just wanna say that I don't know them and they are not affiliated with my blog. I also think that they are not the same person as well. Bleh

I do have a twitter account @bertsurdaneta - I rarely use it now.

So there goes my alarming new... *tvpatrol sounds *cue in music


Berting Tries Yoga

There was a time my sister offered to pay my pilates / yoga class for me to improve on my back pains and posture. I declined and I said it was only a fad. I think that was 8 years ago. I honestly thought Yoga is made for older people. I felt like Yoga was a lesser stage of ballroom trend.*would this mean I am old now. lol 

Well I could've listened to her. Cause I am so in love now with Yoga now. To think I just started Yoga class last monday.

I couldn't believe I enjoyed Yoga. I am having my Yoga classes at Fitness First by the way. I am a member in Sahara Mall, but I take Yoga classes in Burjuman Mall. Yoga classes in Sahara mall are most of the time scheduled in the morning. Obviously, I can't. Anyway, I felt scared with my Yoga instructor at first. Her name was Fran Diaz(proud to be Pinay), when I saw her I thought she was latina but when she was on stage. Ha! Kabayan pala siya. She is quite strict but she's really good. I think I was able to catch up as a beginner. I didn't understand the people who went out of her class cause she was really amazing. At the latter part of her session, she made us lie on our mats and she was saying things that made me really calm. As if I was in another dimension and problems were unnecessary. Unfortunately I wasn't able to take her class last night. 

On the other hand - I tried Hatha Yoga with Munish. I wasn't able to see his profile on the schedule board, maybe he was new. He was a little boring maybe because he didn't use any music. But he was assisting everyone's posture. With his class I couldn't believe I stretched my whole body. There was also a lady behind me who tried to lean backwards - she farted two times. I was smirking silently. I don't want to cause a scene. In fairness there was no smell. I think she sniffed everything before everyone else smells her bomb. LOL. But I feel great afterwards. 

Imagine, just 2 Yoga sessions. I love it. Looking forward for more benefits of Yoga. 


Worth it

Yesterday, I read this article about "some people are just aren't worth it anymore". I felt like there was a blade slicing my heart and someone was pouring lime juice on it. Pucha ansakit noh?

I helped a lot of people who did not deserve my help. I listened to the people who did not deserve my time. I fought for them, I covered them from harm. I tried to be the best for them. I tried to please them, which was totally wrong. I am not mad at them, like I always say, things change, people change. Yet I still chose to be the forgiving person. In other words, I have been used, I have been taken for granted, I have been left out. It was my fault. 

Now, I will find time to find my own happiness.. I will enjoy doing things alone. Cause I am worth it. :) 

Day dreaming in my dream

Darn. I am 32, single and nothing new on me. Everybody is married, some have kids. Some where converted gay to straight and vice versa. But at least I got my own definition of success, I have my own business.

I got lot's of dates. I dated a man the other day, stopped messaging him cause he is a control freak. I hate being controlled. I met a single lady the other day, she was motherly, it is because she has kids already. A single mom. No. Phone kept ringing. I am so done with dates,

Another day at my shop, cleaning, scrubbing the sides of my favorite machine. The pos machine. Where it contains my money. Money is the only thing that makes me happy right now. Pay day is the nightmare of my month. Chimes rang. Someone's inside my shop.

I saw you again, you were wearing that weird patterned sleeveless. Blue shorts, hair wavy, pulled down. She gave me that happy smile. It was damn infectious, I tried not to smile back. I tried to contain the happiness, Like I always do. I shrugged and tried not to act jumpy. I inserted my hands on my pockets. 

When I turned around she kissed me. We both said "I love you". I tried to say "Remember who said it first". There were tears on my face, I didn't expect those tears to fall down. I stared at her and her changes. She looked really pretty. I am so happy to see her. 

She kept on kissing me. She wouldn't let me finish a sentence. I breathe her air, it gave me butterflies. It was my wife. I was dreaming. I was day dreaming again. I am 32, married with 3 kids. The man I dated was my control freak Dad and the single mom I dated was my best friend.