
Debt Debt Debt mo ay nakakasilaw - OFW Edition

You got that, I don't like debts. I do not like lending money for more than 500 Pesos(50AED). When somebody asks money I try not to lend them. But if it is below 50AED, I settled my mind that this amount will never go back in my hands. Lucky me if it comes back.


Someone: Jul I need your help.
Jul: Kahit ano po wag lang pera. (BINGO) (Standard LINE) 


1. Planning - This is a must to do for being financially stable. Planning is essential and it is always applied in everything. You gotta have a plan to secure your future financially.The question is what do you want when you reach your target money pot? Isn't it rewarding when youre in a financially happy stage??? like debt free. :D

2. Budget - This will help you be in control of your expenses. By budgeting your money you can a lot from necessities and wants (gadgets, leisure etc). Budget the basic needs vs your wants. Remember to buy the needs! needs are more important than wants. I came into a point where I do not like buying the latest gadget, the latest trend, I am devoted to simplicity and practicality. I am grateful of what I have. People - yuppies who are also OFWs please, save up.

3. Save money! make a certain percentage per pay day. This should be a must every month. Never wait for the month to end, You must sow the seed, before you can reap the harvest

4. I am an anti-credit card person. I used to have one. It is not that I am not responsible enough to handle or have one. I just don't want to worry about multiple payments each month. Tell you what a lot of OFWs are troubled in settling their credit card debts. We must not be complacent by the power of a credit cards privileges. REMEMBER - with credit card comes great responsibility!

5. Avoid loans. Do not invest if you are not confident with your earnings. DO NOT INVEST if you're going to be penniless due to uncertainties. BE SURE.

6. Never ask anyone to lend you money. - I don't ever wanna be in this case.If I do, that would be coins,

I can't think of anything anymore. I just do not like the feeling of having a debt, going to make a loan or being asked to lend money. Money I never liked money. No Money No honey. I have seen a lot of people living for money. Money as a source of happiness. Some say money makes us confident. But I say do not let the money dictate what you are.

"debt debt debt mo aaaayyy nakakasilaw lalalal..."


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