
Tagalog time with Zolika

Zolika - my self proclaimed emirati friend. Colleague at work.


Jul: Hello, is this Abdul Jabbar? Ok ok. check your PDA we have complaints raised in your site. lalalalalala... (on telephone) (smirks) (bursts) (laughed)
Zolika: what is so funny?
Jul: Do you know what is the meaning of Jabbar in tagalog/filipino?
Zolika: What? Tell me?
Jul: when you perspire in your armpits and there's a sweat mark in what you are wearing. We call that jabbar!
Zolika: you know in islam, Abdul Jabbar means powerful.
Jul: That explains everything dear! Powerful. Indeed!
Zolika: LOL (slaps me from behind)

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