

Before judging others maybe you should take a look at yourself first. All of that implying and passing judgements is gonna make you look like a big ignorant fool. You must look in the mirror before you stare out of the window. :)


Random Thoughts

This entry is about a friend's friend status at facebook that made me over think. AGAIN!

She said  "I just turned 27 last month but my mental age is 22!" (@fergalia - twitter)

I had a thought of my mental age versus my real age. OK. I still look young according to my colleagues. That there's more to life for me. Blahs and unicorns. OK. I am blessed. Teeeehee.

Here it goes. I turned 25 last July but my mental age is 20

What do you think? What you think of me? Thinking of you?

What Kind of Drunk are you?

According to wikipedia - A drink, or beverage, is a kind of liquid which is specifically prepared for human consumption. There are many types for drinks. They can be divided into various groups such as plain water, alcohol, non-alcoholic drinks, soft drinks (carbonated drinks), fruit or vegetable juices and hot drinks, such as hot chocolate. In addition to fulfilling a basic need, drinks form part of the culture of human society.

Drinking is art. 

I am the stay-the-sane-do-not-puke-mind-over-matter drunk person. A friend named me "drug lord" for not being able to make me pass out. I am a firm believer of "pag may alak may BALAK".

Social drinking is a choice, I think a well mannered person enjoys social drinking, it creates friendly atmosphere. As a marketing person, social drinking gives me unlimited connections. The world is indeed small. Who knows you might be rubbing shoulders with the daughter of the president of uhm say Iceland. :))

A drink with family members and friends enhance trust and relationships. On the other hand if you let alcohol consume you, this is where trouble starts. There is no excuse for a bad drinker.

Cheers Everyone! Merry Christmas! Stay the sane!

Ps. Do not drink and DRIVE..



Believe in Unicorns

Happiness is believing in unicorns. I am a unicorn. You will be happy with me. It is a statement. (Bursts into laughter). Walang basagan.

Happy people are happy cause they make themselves happy, they chose to be happy. Happiness is a choice.

I am happy. I would like to share why I chose to be happy, how maintain a positive outlook. 

Being human, means being imperfect. I try not to hold any grudges; understanding that fact that it is better to forgive and forget. If you can't do both, at least choose one. Whenever I feel violated, down or offended I immediately recite the serenity prayer at the back of my mind.

"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference" repeat three times and say HOOOOO! I pray instead of obsessing over how unfair life is. Focus on what you can control and change it for the better.

Kindness. It is scientifically proven that being kind makes you happier. Every time you perform a selfless act, your brain produces serotonin, a hormone that eases tension and lifts your spirits. Not only that, but treating people with love, dignity, and respect also allows you to build stronger relationships. Don't forget to say " I LOVE YOU " to those people you really care about or assist an elderly lady crossing the street. :)

Relax. "problema na yan, pproblemahin mo pa" - a colleague told me in a stressful situation. Problems should be never in a person's vocabulary. Try to relax and don't take everything as a whip, take the problem and strive. Life is too short to get over and done with such trivial matters.

Be Grateful. This is one thing I learned from my ultimate crush Karla Escoto (RIP) - there's this saying “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.” it is better to count your blessings instead of yearning of what you don't have. Look at the bright side and be contented na lang. :) :) :) :)

Dream big. By being this way you will have a much focused and positive state. It is essential to write your plans to be on track.

Manners. Do not forget your manners. Speak well of others, yes he/she might have said something wrong about you, just leave it to god rather than getting even with that person. As fun as gossiping is, it usually gives us the feeling of resentfulness and guilt.

Excuses. Try not to make excuses. Again nobody is perfect. Never blame others for your own failures. If a mistake or an error occurred under your supervision. Acknowledge that failure and take full responsibility. Never runaway! Face your fears

Friends. Choose friends wisely. Surround yourself with optimistic people. The more positive energy you have around the better you will feel. Do not forget to praise your friends and listen to them. Talk less, listen more.

Honesty. Never lie. It improves our mental health and builds others' trust in you.

I hope I was able to share and spread love to everyone. Stay positive.  Live. Season's Greetings everyone!

Merry Christmas and Good Job! Nobody puts down a good one!


Ps. Ingat sa paputok (My Collegue said awhile ago)  LOL



Inshallah, according to my muslim friends it means "God-Willing" It is a term of fatalism, sometimes people use it for sarcasm. This term is used to express an event in the future. For example.

"I will see you February, Inshallah"

Byaheng langit ito. Inshallaaah talagaaa! 

Half asleep.

I laze around in the living room watching "prime time teleseryes". I anticipate the sound of her house keys. The noise of our chimes. She's home. This is we're we belong, our sanity, our kingdom, our sanctum.

"Hey, let me help you? How was your day love?"

I think I saw a frown on her face. She kissed me. She gave me her best smile from that tiring day. She held my hand. Then she shares her blessings, I listen. I continue to surround her with love and support.

Happiness. She is my happiness. It doesn't come from money, fame and fortune. I think happiness comes from within. To me even the richest person in this world could be miserable. On the other hand I am constantly fantasizing my future with her. I can't wait to be with her.

She softly said “Jul, up na”. I imagined her hand touched my neck giving me a soft tap from behind. I want to pull her and wrap my arms around her. Then there I was completely hugging my pillow so tight, I really wish it was her.


So You Are Gay?

Yes I am, no more hiding. No point in denying. For the nth time. People, I have not been hurt by a guy. I am not confused. This isn't a phase. I do hate men, a bit. I simply just wanna to spend my life with the girl I love until the day I die.. :)

This is my story. Not yours.

The key to a happy "gay" (redundant haha) life is not to care about what other people say, I have learned the art of not giving a f*** after coming out. It is true that I am not committing a crime, being gay is not a crime, to me it is not a sin. Haters, please stop using God to justify your prejudice. Isn't it that religion is about loving one another? Love is the reason why we are here in this world. Stop looking for an excuse to hate.

It makes me laugh how some dudes are still trying to get the gay out of me. Seriously, I tried dating men, I tried praying the gay away. But there's no use. My ideal man, is a WOMAN (*firewomyn's quote) :)) 

To all my friends, who are still in the closet. It is not a place to live in. Stop traveling in NARNIA!

Thermal Shutdown.

I over think about everything and almost anything. I always anticipate things before experiencing a certain situation. Over thinking, makes me create problems that weren't even there in the first place. I expect the worst. I always try to predict and foresee a solution before dragging myself into the challenge.

I should stop thinking. My head is throbbing. Heart is pounding fast. This coffee is not even helping me.

My head has this automatic SWOT analysis engine before doing an act / deed. It's not coward-ish, I find it as a smart move. I like smart moves. Smarter is better than trying harder. I make sure I am reloaded with facts. I hate the feeling of being dumbfounded at the sight of the one I am talking to, I must answer back. As I stare at peoples eyes, I think of the words that she might say.

OK. I should stop thinking.