
Don't Even Bother Lying to Me.

Don't even bother lying to me. I find everything out.

Before making an argument with me, make sure your facts are lined up or else your join to end up crying and questioning you're existence. This is a threat Liars.


Proverbs 12:22 ESV
Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.


No MAN has a good enough MEMORY to be a successful LIAR - Abraham Lincoln


Why do we lie? I used to lie a lot when I was younger. That was because I hate being reprimanded by my mom. I was a trouble maker, I used to break glasses and expensive things at home. I hate myself for being too clumsy actually. Being that messy and clumsy makes me lie and try to lie my way out of complete outrage from my mom. I was afraid. Who wouldn't be?

I came out last year, that was the highlight of my 2012. I couldn't bear to lie to myself anymore. I tried not to come out because I was afraid. But I took the courage. Then I realized I didn't care that much of what people thought of me. I am just happy being me now.

Liars. Again are everywhere. The most frustrating part is that the closest to your heart are the people who are repeatedly lying to my face over and over again. It makes me feel like they're treating me as a fool. I do admit sometimes I lie only to save time because usually I am tired to begin the "real thing" and it will prolong the misery of blabbing and explaining too many information and details.

But I don't LIE about things that WILL affect someone else. It's a DUTY of care concept. I think. I believe. If I know any of my lies would affect someone, I don't think I'd be able to sleep at night.
I will try not lie vs I will speak my mind intelligently. Life is to short to damage people with lies.

Before anything else. Profess you're feelings. Confess truth and nothing but the naked truth. Lalalala (Green lol). Indeed the truth shall set you FREEEEEE! I am Freeee! as a Beeeee!

Liars? Specifically the Pathological and Compulsive Liars. Why do you lie? No matter what evidences? Even when you are caught red handed? No shame? No regrets? Pointing on a wrong direction? tries to find reasons?

Why do you need hurting the ones who love you?  Who you want to pretend to be? I wanna understand you people? How long I will be able to deal with this before I end up cursing?

So come on? Lie to me? Make me feel like I need a man in my life? Make me need you? Make me real girl? As I try to respect you, all I hear is blah blah blahs and cheap flowery words. You can't blame us, you can't blame me.

You are such coward. Sometimes I think I deserve your balls. I am sorry for not dropping this. But your lying is DAMAGING. You need to get help. I care. I do. You need counseling and psychotherapy.

I love this movie BTW. I am gon to watch this.. NOW!

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