
Taking the risk.

I wonder how it happened. But it started somewhere. Everything starts at somewhere, somewhere in kite beach. Somewhere between my mind and my heart, I found something really, wonderful. I wasn’t really looking for anything, because I was busy with thyself. Haha! 

Day by day, I surprisingly started to forgive, not really my forte.... It takes a lot of time, to let god take over all my heart's desires and heartaches. I have been in a shell for quite some time, loving myself, spending time alone, and being scared somehow because of all traumas I have experienced. But all of a sudden, As I breathe the cold breeze of the beach, it made me realize somewhere along the aisle of my life, I found you. Girl in black. Oh, I like wearing black. 

Somewhere between my what-ifs and maybes, I found your actions. Your actions prove your words to me.

Somewhere along the detours and bus stops, I found your patience. Your patience that showed your actions were real.

Somewhere between my failures and success, I found your grace. Your grace glistens the patience you’ve got from Him.

Somewhere along the chambers of my heart, I found love. Your love reflects His grace to me.

Somewhere between my No and Yes, you suddenly came. You who took the risk to know me.

Everything starts at somewhere but having you started with Him giving you to me as a gift I’ve never expected. A friendship that I didn’t expect. Thank you for taking that slice of cake. Thank you for responding. Thank you. You made me happier since then. 

You are one of a kind and somewhere between the lines of my story, I’ve started to like you… And I hope this is not just some generic friendships I had. I don’t want to lose this. And so, I am taking the risk too. 

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