
Praying for you ❤️

I don’t know how.

I don’t know where.

I don’t know when.

But as I draw closer to Him,

As I have let go all the pain in my heart.

I know that one day, you will come.

As my heart is steadfastly in love with Him,

the more I realize that He is preparing me for you.

So as I wait for our hearts to beat as one,

I will focus my heart on serving and praising Him.

For I know that somehow,

somewhere, that day will come.

I will be so glad that I waited

for your heart to pursue mine

as we both pursue His heart.

I will wait for you.❤️

2% be gone. 


Taking the risk.

I wonder how it happened. But it started somewhere. Everything starts at somewhere, somewhere in kite beach. Somewhere between my mind and my heart, I found something really, wonderful. I wasn’t really looking for anything, because I was busy with thyself. Haha! 

Day by day, I surprisingly started to forgive, not really my forte.... It takes a lot of time, to let god take over all my heart's desires and heartaches. I have been in a shell for quite some time, loving myself, spending time alone, and being scared somehow because of all traumas I have experienced. But all of a sudden, As I breathe the cold breeze of the beach, it made me realize somewhere along the aisle of my life, I found you. Girl in black. Oh, I like wearing black. 

Somewhere between my what-ifs and maybes, I found your actions. Your actions prove your words to me.

Somewhere along the detours and bus stops, I found your patience. Your patience that showed your actions were real.

Somewhere between my failures and success, I found your grace. Your grace glistens the patience you’ve got from Him.

Somewhere along the chambers of my heart, I found love. Your love reflects His grace to me.

Somewhere between my No and Yes, you suddenly came. You who took the risk to know me.

Everything starts at somewhere but having you started with Him giving you to me as a gift I’ve never expected. A friendship that I didn’t expect. Thank you for taking that slice of cake. Thank you for responding. Thank you. You made me happier since then. 

You are one of a kind and somewhere between the lines of my story, I’ve started to like you… And I hope this is not just some generic friendships I had. I don’t want to lose this. And so, I am taking the risk too. 


My Silent Plea

I have always been a person who looks after others. I have this nurturing part of me that is always on the go to take in charge, I have been giving what I can just to make sure that everyone around me is happy/contented and or overly satisfied. I go over and beyond their expectations. I work hard to give all. I love deeply. 

Until one day, I realized that no one actually does the same thing for me and it breaks me so bad. 

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not expecting them to return the favor. I did that because that’s the love language I speak. But I realized, for once, that I also have this desire to feel loved. And I guess, everyone deserves that. To be loved. To be given the best because you fucking deserve it. To somehow be spoiled and hear ‘yeses’. So I prayed and waited. 

People came into my life, but I was easily deceived into feeling, “this is the one” just because I have this timeline. 

Then again, I realized that I was just getting the bare minimum (and at some point, it was even hard to get the bare minimum). Lalo na dito sa UAE. No one has ever gave the same effort to me, except my loving mother. So I got tired and almost gave up on the hopes of it. Still, I prayed.

I pray to have the kind of love that has peace, security, and joy. I pray for someone who’s sure about every inch of me. 

Someone who will pursue me. I pray that you bless this person's heart so this person can love me the way You want me to be loved. And I pray that I become the person You intended for this person to also feel loved. 

So if one day. This person came into my arms. I want this person to know that I prayed for her/him so bad. I will continuously pray for that love. And I hope that the love I will give mirrors God’s love for you and us my love. I lift it all lord. He knows whats best for me, I know he hears my silent plea.