
Living in Sharjah

I am not sure if I blogged about this, but my mom and I  moved to Sharjah because we knew rent was hiking up in Dubai. It was no longer nice to pay for an amount that we could invest a condo in Manila and it was no longer practical as an overseas worker. Although we are not supporting anyone. It wasn't just practical! - Thank god, I am not a single mom or what. LOL

1. Well, I found out that maybe, just maybe another reason why we moved to Sharjah, why I live miles away from Dubai civilization is that I am kind of allergic to other peoples drama. Haha. I enjoy being alone inside the bus. Although sometimes I get easily pissed when hungry. Please?

2. Last 2 weeks ago, I went on an adventure walking until I arrived into a park. Recently I love jogging around on Al Ittihad park. I am contemplating on buying a bike so I can use it it buhaira corniche, which is btw amazing! I enjoy deciding on my own. Although some people might think that at this age why do I still live with my MOM. Baket ba, close kami and I prefer living with Family rather than sharing a room with a friend. Still I consider sharing a room with a friend, if ever my mom decides to retire. but sometimes I'd rather be alone. I am considering the thought of being alone or renting a room for my own. Inshala.

3. Apart from the "others" drama stage, I feel bad when I rant to someone else. Although I miss getting comfort from people, which I am trying to avoid. I just got used to diverting it elsewhere. At the moment food is my divertion. :P At the same time, it made me less patient about others drama. Al Qassimia where I live now makes me feel like I am in Manhattan feels. Although I haven't been there. haha! I just feel cozy and warm here. And we have a good view living at 19th floor flat. Itt has an amazing looking at Megamall from a far.

4. Most of the people I know lives in Dubai. Therefore nobody can attack my weight, haha! Sharjah, has been nice to me, I am exploring the wonders of this place. DO not under estimate this emirate. It has hidden cultures that you need to explore yourself. My next agenda is to buy a bike and go on museum hunting. :)

5. Although traffic is an issue. Traffic here is moving anyhow. It is not as bad as Manila. LOL

So, I am loving every bit of Sharjah. Looking forward to more adventures.I really hope the rent here doesnt go up. As I dont want to transfer into another emirate next to Sharjah, which is Ajman. Please... I love Sharjah :) :) :) ) :) :) :)


Babay 2016!

Good bye 2016, you are one of the best years I have experienced. You taught me how to work hard and stay away from my comfort zone. You taught me forgiveness. You taught me love, kindness, value of great friends and family.

To wrap it up, 2016 made me accomplished things that I never thought I could. I never thought I could reach this stage, this might be called maturity. HAHA.

I wanna thank my mom and my sister for pushing me and encouraging me in times of distress.
I love you both!

My dad who supports me in anyway, I know your puns has a deeper meaning. Thanks for all of your funny jokes. I did get my charms from you. You silly thing. LOL

To all my friends and family thank you all for your love and sincerity.
Although attacking my weight is unacceptable haha!

Looking forward for a better 2017.
