
Talking About Forgiveness and Taking the High Road

There was this guy in my old department who loves to tease me. I do not mean to be rude but seeing him makes me pissed sometimes. I do not know if it was the kachupoy hair style or his thick one lined eyebrows. There was one day, I got used to the teasing and I rarely answer back. Because making patol is human, to make dedma is divine. I try to stay in my cool and most of the time I ignore him. He usually teases me by my eating habits at work, my shoes and weight gain.

When I got promoted, I rarely get to see him. But these days he always pass by my new department. Again, annoying face in the morning, trying to chit chat, then attacks my shoes or weight gain. One day, I couldn't take the teasing because maybe because I was hungry and pressured at work. My new colleagues heard the teasing.

"Good Morning July"

"Good Morning (I wasn't looking at him, I knew I was about to snap)"

"You are gaining too much weight"

"What the heck? you never lost weight since I met you, please? what do you care this is my body, I can afford food" (he smirked and walked away)

My colleagues, went dull and quiet seeing me growl and defend my fat state. They knew I was pissed. Don't you just hate people attacking your weight? I have a very long patience. I know the truth may hurt, but as a lady(yes I am a girl) and him constantly attacking me. What the hell does he want? People of the universe, what do you care about my weight gain? this is my body. I want to eat, I can afford to buy food. MYOB - mind your own business.

The last time I have checked, attacking me wont make anyone thinner or prettier. I just do not get the inappropriate attacks. I do believe in the verse "Do not unto others as you would have them do unto you". I keep myself quiet and tried to contain revengeful words, besides he is no thin to attack me frequently. I try to be very mannered and respectful, but he crossed a very thick line.

Decided that when I catch a glimpse of him, walk away and do not make an eye contact. I do not want to be bullied, humiliated and reminded of how I am gaining weight. He once tried to talk but I stood up and went to the toilet. I saw him in the pantry when I was about to get coffee, I walked away and took water on the other side of the pantry. He greets me one time and I didn't looked at him, or smiled or greeted back. It was a week of completely ignoring him. Then the other day, he cornered me on my table.

"July, what's wrong, you are not looking at me or greeting me back, are you upset with me?"

"Not really, But I just don't want you to ruin my day, as you always do by attacking my weight"

"I am sorry about what I said, We are colleagues July. Sorry again, have a great day"

"Fine, just try to filter what you say"(Looked at him and he gave me this pussy cat forgive me face).

I did not expect asshole to be that sincere. I hope the teasing stops there. I really hope not to get any bad vibes in the morning from him or anyone.

Adulthood is so strange, I just want to earn, sleep, eat and repeat.

Please lang, Bawal manita.

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