
? Random

I have been thinking about philandering people, why on earth would they cheat on the most beautiful person or the most special person in their lives? Why can't they just be loyal and fix their relationship? 

My sister once said, there are three problems in a relationship. 

One would be love, maybe the other half felt that he/she is giving too much and in this crazy world everything should be reciprocated. I mean who wouldn't want to be loved back? Love is an amazing feeling, we are here in this world to love and be loved. Maybe the partner has hang ups. The other one had an affair. Cause maybe just maybe love isn't really enough? 

Second, money, I honestly hate money. I really think money can make a person change, I have seen a lot of people who changed because of money. With money people think they own everything, that they can buy anything. Money problems could also mean that both of them are into gambling, one of them could have bad spending habits or worst maybe both of them are financially illiterate. 

Third, the in-laws, The in-laws doesn't like you at all! Even you put extra efforts in everything they just want your existence gone. Or maybe the in-laws doesn't know you exist. LOL 

It could be his/her family status, love - his/her father has two or more families, money - his/her family has debt issues, not well off. Third his/her educational background, and lastly religion. I know there are a lot of reasons in the in-laws category, but this is all I can think of. Haha. As a filipino, we are too family oriented. This is one of the best reasons in solving problems in a relationship.  

So given these three points? Do you believe love is based on effort? if one of the three, two of the three or worst all of the three are ticked?

Some say you have to make an effort daily so love wont run dry. Love should be infinite, Love should be unconditional, you love this person because she's like this that etc. Perhaps he/she make you smile? You are married to his/her flaws. But what if one day you realized that you want your coffee a little sweet, and your partner wants a bitter coffee. Then someone walks by and offer you a coffee that is a little sweet? What would you do if your partner loves the color red and you love pink so bad. On the other hand he/she hates pink and someone else walks by and likes the color pink as well? How about trying to like your partner's music, but he/she wont like yours, and someone passes by and likes your type of music and loves your favorite band and would definitely sing for you even if he/she is out of tune? What if things are going on the rocks between you and your partner and someone came and made things easier and lighter for you? 

How can you hate the philandering person if he/she is being judged wrongly? Why would we hate the philandering person immediately without seeing the gray area. So yeah love isn't enough. Cheating is very selfish. Because love is so selfish. We destroy the people we love. It is so unkind to play with someone's feelings. We are so done wishing, hoping and wanting more. We want change cause change is very constant. But to wrap everything, as a human, love should not be measured. Should have no boundaries. So why do we have these problems? pucha baka kasalanan ng teleseryes to. Love love love. Can you not? 

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