
Sometimes you gotta be your own hero.

Hug me. Tell me you love me. Simple words of security would have been better. I don't need anything fancy, I just need security. Sometimes I just need you here. But I can't. We can't.

It saddens me that I came into this point, again that I have to understand that I have to be my own hero.

Nobody will save you JULY this city ain't for the weak. Move it. Head pounding, heart frowning, eyes hurting.

What was that thud?

Somebody fool me?

Love me?



"The grass is not, in fact, always greener on the other side of the fence. No, not at all. Fences have nothing to do with it. The grass is greenest where it is watered. When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass wherever you may be.” Robert Fulghum

I remember talking with Boss about my resignation way back 2012. He said so many things to at least make me stay but I was eager to start on my own and try pursuing business. That was true, but I honestly failed big time.

Now that I am here in UAE and finally back in the corporate jungle. I have been thinking about - Why some bosses cannot retain their employees? Is it really their fault? I have been contemplating about this cause I want to save up and put up a business again soon after being a corporate slave for approximately 3 years. And I have heard that my favorite boss quits his job in my favorite company. (Toink)


1. Lack of motivation
Many employers are too much on money making and forgets to build employee dedication and appreciation. Appreciation, be it monetary or verbal. But as a Marketing person who makes the life and blood of the company, incentives from quotas is indeed a motivation. Oh yeah! But really I think some employees feel unappreciated. A pat on the back would do or congratulate that person.

2. TOXIC environment
I think anyone will not settle for any high paying job if the environment is toxic. When I say toxic, there's no system at all! No procedures, No org structure, No protocols = Just do it. Whuut.

3. Communication
Provide constructive feedback to your employees. Talk talk, but do not talk about your personal lives. Feed back isn't about surprising someone with negative comments. Talk and settle one problem to another. Be positive.

4. Bad Managers
Ok the word BAD is too much. But one of my colleagues once said that "You are not leaving because of the job, you're leaving because of your manager". I couldn't get along my first job manager, I didn't like her at all cause I didn't learn anything from her. Everything I know about the job was self taught. She was just sitting in her room and keeps bringing down the morale of the team. Most managers, I think to me are promoted into their role without getting the support they need to develop their leadership skills. BAM! :))

5. No Training Programs
Many organizations hold back on training and development programmes maybe as they fear that their people might leave after they're heavily invested in them. Truth. This might happen. But I guess, one of the main reason that people quit is that they no longer learn anything new.

So, there are so many obvious benefits of retaining employees. But sometimes we have to just "Let it Go" and build a snowman. Jeez. Haha! I hope I made sense.



I feel really sad. Can't think of anything meaningful to write.



And my book is not yet finished due to my new career (naks). Update, well I am still writing the ending of the story at my mind. I am actually giving myself a deadline that I must finish the book at the end of the year, so that when 2015 comes I'll be able to proofread it and write a pre-sequel. The book will cover OFWs, LGBTs, love and friendship. 

I am now a Maintenance Coordinator at a Power and Maintenance Solutions company. The only thing I don't like about the job is that I "might" report on duty on mid shift and night shift. So this Idiot who hired me has no consideration at all for the mode of transportation that I have. Anway, I don't care about him I just can't afford quitting now. I am not staying in this land forever anyway, might as well strive for the job and think of the future that awaits for me (Money on my mind - I do it for ze love - Sam Smith).

What I am doing today is quite far from what I have been doing in the past. I know I have been making patterns about the past. But lately, past is just ughh BS. And it's suppose to teach you to live in the future. What I have learned so far is not to let the past consume the life you're supposed to be living. I am letting life unfold according to His will, I know he will give me something in His perfect time. I am not writing this because I am giving up on writing or I have given up on dreaming. I am just stronger than before. I thank God for the answered prayers. I am not giving up on this dream.


July Veranga - not her full name was born the 7th of July. Her Jersey number as a basketball player was 4 because people say when she enters the court it feels like the 4th of July. An ultimate Mommy's girl/boy. Upon growing up she just wanted to be a happy hair stylist and thought of becoming a writer but she never joined any writing contest and ends up studying marketing. After graduating she became interested in sales. Got her heart broken and went to Dubai for a new perspective. And when she failed at almost everything she finally decides to follow her heart by doing acting lessons, studying pastry arts and finally decides to become a writer.

I want this at the back of my first book.
