
75 Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

1. Where are you from? Manila 
2. What is your full name? Alam mo na yunnnn Jul! 
3. If you could go anywhere, where would it be? jan, sa Dubai! sayo...
4. Do you have a nickname? Ct
5. What is your favorite color? Black, but black is not a color
6. What is your favorite book? none
7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? next question.
8. Do you still have feelings for an ex? NO!
9. When did you realize you really loved me? nasabi ko na yan sayo eh!
10. What is your view of a well functioning relationship? next question!
11. Where do you wanna travel to? sinabi ko na kaya yan sayo, jan nga sa Dubai.
12. What clothes on me turn you on? first and second meeting natin (Eastwood and The Fort)
13. What is your definition of intimate? next question
14. Are you close with your family? no
15. How many kids do you want? 3
16. Where would or do you want to live? i don't know ehhh
17. How long does it take you to get ready? 10 minutes
18. Would you rather stay in or go out? depends
19. Do you have any pet? yes
20. Do you have a lot of friends of the opposite sex? yes
21. What is your dream job? next question
22. How would you react if you found out I was dying? of what?!
23. Who is your best friend? you
24. Who has influenced your life the most? parents kahit cliche siya
25. Do you have your own style or follow fashions? depends on my mood
26. What kind of movies do you don't like? dumb blonde movies
27. What sports do you play or enjoy? swimming, I play badminton before hung elementary days
28. Do you like to cook? Ok lang
29. Are you romantic? explain? I am not sure if i am romantic, di ko alam e i don't know. You answer! 
30. If you had lots of money, how would you spend it? If I had 100 billion dollars, half of it will go to donations, 30% investments, 20% portion of this will be on shopping. :)) 
31. If you had superpowers what would they be? mind reader but if not siguro ability to turn back time or see the future.
32. What is the craziest gift you have ever gotten? that kind of crazyyyy, a ring from you know
33. What is your most embarrassing moment? wala akong maalala e
34. What was your favorite subject in school? Economics
35. If you could go back, what would you change? yung Rue incident, kasi parang ay nako, but ok lang I mean, parang wala naman.
36. If you had to describe yourself in 3 words what would they be? sarcastic, particular and loyal
37. What do you not like about me? we haven't seen the worst of each other so hindi pa masasagot, parang nakakatuwa pa kasi yung nangyayari now.
38. What do you like about me? well, obviously you're funny and ahh everything about you you're sweet thoughtful and loyal ka sa friends mo and you love your mom very much you take care of her and kalma ka lang pag upset ka haha yun halos everything naman ehhhh 39. What are your life goals? next question
40. What is a sexual fantasy of yours? next question!
41. What did you first think when you met me? happy kid ka ganun
42. Do you think your family will like me? siguro kung may chance, oo naman, i want you to meet my cousins
43. Is there anything you want to change about our relationship? well I want you to be here, kung dito ka shempre parang hindi magiging ganito, if I change na nandito ka, well it would be better, ill see you whenever we want to, but shempre, like now we get to grow as individuals, we get to do what we want to, it wouldn't be the same.
44. Would you rather live together before marriage or no? ok lang
45. Have you ever cheated before? no                                                                                                    46. Do you get jealous easy?  yes                                                                                                                47. What is your favorite drink? buko juice 
48. How would you handle a friend trying to hook up with you while dating me? next question
49. What is your biggest fear? failure
50. Do you smoke or drink? drink, i used to smoke before
51. What turns you on about me? Pass na nga lang
52. Have you ever regretted something? Well siguro yung, ehhh, well, not like a hundred percent na pinagsisisihan ko, but siguro yung time an i distanced myself or isolated myself just because of what happened, hindi siya worth it, parang hindi ako nag benefit, mas lalo ako nadamage although its part of the process for me
53. What is your favorite food? wala akong favorite food ehhhh
54. Do you have a "type" that you normally date? wala, pero ago, may pattern din ako, yung mga into sports.
55. Why did you and your ex's break up? alam mo na jun
56. What is your longest relationship? 2 years, parang hindi nga yata umabot ng 2 years eh one year plus plus lang
57. Do you have any bad habits? nail biting
58. Do you believe in true love and love at first sight? are you kidding me
59. What is your idea of a perfect date? secret yaaan!
60. What does love mean to you? next question
61. Do you like cold or hot weather? cold
62. What kind of underwear do you wear? next question
63. What kind of car do you drive? tucson
64. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? pistachio
65. Would you rather follow your heart or your head? ughh hahah depende yan, if i shop more likely i follow my heart
66. Who has been your most intimate partner? gusto mo sagutin ko na yan???
67. What values do you have? to many to mention
68. Are you a positive or negative person? I'd like to say na positive, but dati negative ako eh
69. Are looks important in a relationship? no, dependent, no. Di kasi ako superficial ehhh kunware maganda hindi mo naman feel
70. How do you feel about porn? wala
71. Do you watch porn? no hindi
72. How do you visualize it with your partner? *ubo ubo
73. What are your views on God? mahirap sagutin eh haha
74. If i was in an accident and was told i wouldn't live much longer, how would you react? siguro yung feeling of disbelief and then ill ask someone or the doctor kung anu pa ba yung ways for you to live longer. Solution muna bago ko mag iyak iyak.
75. How would you handle having a child with disabilities or was born prematurely? parang relative naman yung dalawang yan, equally difficult, neither one is harder. or easier. i mean.



Fourteen days to go, I am going to see the love of my life. Who would've thought we would become more than friends. She's all I ever wanted. Even though distance separates us, I feel her with me, everyday. 


Happy Valentines Day!

For those who are still in the process of healing.

February 14, 2013.  I was watching wrestling while eating home made heart shaped cookies made by my mother. Seeing violent scenes made me a bit distracted from the heartbreak that I had form my ex.

I admit I have been broken so many times, being heart "brokened" is like you are one step closer to hell of deep dark emotions. You will experience disbelief, severe emptiness, devastation, grief, guilt, bitterness, confusion, or worst depression.  I remember looking myself in the mirror, its insane but it helped me a lot. "Oras lang yan".

I have seen and met people who are broken, experts say that a broken heart may take a minimum of 8 months or 3 years maximum to get over. I say "Happiness is a choice"

: ) :  YOU CHOSE

"Oras lang yan" slowly heavy emotions / pain will subside. You can laugh at that heartbreak once you reach the moved on stage. "Ang shunga ko nakakataawaaa" BWAHAHAHA... #doublefacepalm

I'd like to share points on how to move on. Not that I am an expert. :))

1. IT'S OVER! Accept the fact that your ex came into your life and you both are not meant to be.

2. GRIEVE! Cge lang iyak pa. It's ok to cry. Crying is very healthy. Grieving is the heart wrenching process of putting a dot into another chapter in your life.

3. NEVER EVER EVER EVER HOPE of RECONCILIATION! Kahit anung spark pa yang na feel mo sa heart mo na pwede pa, ulol, tama na. Move on. Life is about moving on.

4. Say no to revenge. You'll just be giving your ex more more more and more reasons to validate the break up. Furthermore, it you take the revenge mode, it means that you were really hurt and you still haven't accepted the fact that IT'S OVER! so ayun Go back to step ONE!

5. Earphones MODE. Honestly I think I broke hundreds of earphones already. Music made me jive and walk into a new dimension. I must say Linkin Park helped me move on (Faint, Papercut, In the end, etc.) Rock on. \m/

6. Emotional support from friends. Surround yourself with positive people. Dito mo makikita yung mga tunay na kaibigan. The ones who will listen to your emotional breakdowns.

7. Distraction is better than NONE. Don't stay isolated. Try new things, like dancing, watching horror films alone, listening to classical music, jog daily. Pamper yourself with spas. Get a hair cut. Get a tan. So on and so forth.

8. NEVER DRUNK CALL. NEVER STALK HIS/HER Facebook and twitter accounts. Tandaan wala na siyang pakialam sayo!

9. Spiritual perspective. Let go, let GOD. Did you asked God why he/she left you? Did you cursed him? Did you drift away from God? or Did you move closer to him. People, friends, and unicorns. When you are in pain, pray. God gave you this lesson for you to learn and definitely he will give you something much better. It might not be love, yet, but maybe he will give you a much better career, or another skill. :) Be patient with yourself. You are trying to move on right?

10. Get professional help if you start hurting yourself. Wag mo isiping mali mag pa psychologist. You might me suffering from depression which can prevent you from moving on.

Recovering from a breakup is a slow but natural process. Coming from a very impatient me? Ok. Be gentle with yourself, you are trying right? Have faith that time heals. Naturally,
you will gain new friends, new strengths and eventually you will start living life all over again.

Have faith! :) for those who are in love like me. HOHO.  Stay in love :))

Ohh yeah Happy Valentines Day Everyone! XOXO


Think of Parallel Lines

I can be very funny, very quite and suddenly very very very sad. I don't usually get mad easily, but not one little things or people that don't matter. I hate being moody. I hate this. I try to hide the emotions. I can't stop feeling it. 

Parallel Lines - Two lines on a plane that never meet. *WIKIPEDIA

I am thinking that all couples are complicated parallel lines. Cupid strikes these lines and then they magically bump into each other(Transversal). They cross paths, they become altered. 

Come to think of think, we are all headed in the same direction. Driven by our own force to the same destination. We may take different journeys, different goals. Along our journeys, we realize, ohh lord, we are 100% perfectly imperfect for each other. 

Different routes, but the same track. You love this person, unconditionally, irregardless of her direction, her point of view. It doesn't matter. She may take left, you on the right side. Either way, vice versa. You try to understand that these lines never meet. 

It is never gonna be perfect. So when you are down, think of parallel lines, they never meet, but you met your other line, magically. The complicated line that you really love now. That line you want to be with you always. 

So have you found that line beside you? I have.