
Please, self, always decide to be happy.

*cue in music*

Happy - Pharrel Williams

Sometimes happiness scares me. Being happy would always reciprocate a slight sense of panic, wherein you get yourself to thinking “watch out, July, Happiness will last until a certain time, and there won’t be enough for tomorrow”.

Lately, I feel happiness from within, but I can’t stop and wonder how long this feeling is going to stick around. I always hope it doesn’t stop and the best way to feel happy is to 
stop overthinking. 

Because I still struggle with this a lot, I love being happy, but I also don’t want to feel happy, because I am scared of not always feeling happy. 

Like most people, we all do have happy and sad moments. My heart is constantly hesitating, wallowing everything if things are even worth my time. Maybe, because I am scared of being hurt by the same people who least I expect the most to hurt me. Maybe I just need to reflect more and allow myself to feel happy, I will decide to be happy, because I have roof, I had breakfast, lunch and dinner, I have good friends, a good bed, a partner to be with in bed, I finished college, I have great family, I have a job, I have great colleagues.

So I will push my doubts aside for a while, I will forget all of the “what if’s” and “buts”, and let happiness flow in me, and today is going to be amazing. I deserve to be happy. J

Trivia for today.
CHEROPHOBIA - is the fear of being happy.


Imbecile of the highest kind

*warning - this entry has a lot of violent and foul content. This post ain't for the thin skinned.


Dear Imbecile,

First of all fuck you for even thinking that I am insecure to you. I have raised my bar high enough to ignore your existence. I have respected you, and warned you, but you cant seem to get your hands off my boundary. AND If I see your fucking existence, again, in my plans, I will make your life fucking miserable.

Fuck you for trying to ruin my relationship and fuck you we do not need you in our lives, fuck your existence and fuck your life. You fucking disgust me! You have no advantage to my credentials, achievements and my family background. You are tasteless and good for nothing son of a bitch!

You are lucky god has given you an opportunity to be in this amazing place! You are no good in this society and fucking imbeciles like you don't even DESERVE to breathe first class air!

*breathes - that felt good.

Go Fuck yourself.

- Robert Urdaneta