
Hello Stranger(Teacher).

*this is a short story, made out of nowhere*


I was so excited to go to my son's school. My son is ranked 1 at class, lucky me he got his mama's brains. I took Jude in the front seat of my car, I asked him what he want's for lunch after getting his class card. He immediately said, "Jollibee po mommy!". Yes, I like Jollibee too.

When I parked my car at his school. I asked Jude to direct me in his classroom. I was wearing this huge smile on my face. Who wouldn't be so proud? I saw his teacher from a far, I approached his teacher. To my surprise, she was smiling as well. 

"Well, Hell-law there, Teacher, How is my son?" 

She was laughing like a hyena, gasping for air. I couldn't stop smiling as well. My son approached me and said "Mommy?". I told my son to go play with his friends for a while while I deal with his teacher.

"Your son, Jude is a very smart boy, he is very kind and friendly as well" 

I answered proudly, of course like mother like son. the teacher gave the class card and gave me a weird look. 

"It was nice to see you Mrs. Veranga, keep up the good work"

I didn't replied back, instead I nod in silence.


"Mama! Mommy and I ate at Jollibee! for lunch" My child was looking at me happily as he was saved from his mother's organic veggie dishes. I gave him a wink for his cheat day.

My wife was sitting in the dining table, computing, using her calculator. I kissed my wife and she was smiling, like there was something that needs to be declared. My wife is so smart, sometimes I think she can read my mind. 

"San kambal?" She said they were doing their chores upstairs. Our beautiful stairs. 

"So how was Jude's teacher, was she pretty?" She gave me that sarcastic face she always do. I find it cute. 

"Mama?... Of course not. Bat ba ako pina kuha mo ng class card? I imitated her sarcastic face. 

"Your son has a huge crush on his teacher, I think both of you has the same taste" 



I accidentally bought myself a tampon

It all started with a surprise meeting with my new boss. He asked me how was my training with the previous coordinator. He challenged me to open the shared folders etc. It was pure pressure as I barely know the procurement system. I was able to answer a few and I think I satisfied him. Fair enough. He was so kind, patient and he has this puppy angelic eyes, dear lord. I hope he gives me an increase.

On the other hand, the old coordinator seems to lose interest working and staying. I wish she can stay longer and train me til end month. Ugh. After my almost 3 hours training with procurement team, I went back to my department. Was training 2 guys, one nepali that kinda looks like Kobe Paras and an overly dressed egyptian who looks more arbab than my boss. funneh.

After my shift. I felt really, tired. Lord give me patience, I know great things starts from small beginnings. Did one hour over time at work. And shit I forgot it was my lady day, and it was good that my seat didn't have any stain. I ran to the nearest toilet and accidentally bought a tampon. I was laughing my stress out. I just couldn't. So yeah, what a day. The janitors was laughing at me as well.

Happiness is a choice. Remember when you go out of work, let go of everything and live a normal life. Party lang.



Most of the time.....................especially at NIGHT

Most of the time 
I no longer feel empty 
No more crying, wishing and hoping
I feel like I am holding on a thread

Our time is like grasping sands
The more you try to keep it
the faster it runs through your fingers

She says she loves me
then  I reply I love you too
It is a remix
If you forgot your lines and emoticons
Prepare yourself.

There's no need for ECG to hear a beat
No weird thuds in my chest 
even when I hear her name 

As the day goes by
we let the sun go down
Good bye is all I can think of at night
No more extension of patience 
when I pray, this is what I fear for. 
especially at NIGHT.