
2018 Bucket List

1.Be thinner – get my old weight(gotta work hard on this)
2.BR to push through
3.Invest a house in South area - Philippines
4.IELTS Passer
5.Acting  Class to push through
6.Get a car – RAV4
7.Be great in BBALL
8.Save more for your farm
9.Migrate to Australia the soonest
10.Read 2 books per month
11.Be extremely honest
13.Write short stories
14.Compile all your poems
15.Earn money thru blogging
16.Bake more cakes
17.Try to open a cake store
18.Practice premiere pro
19.Take more pictures and videos
20.Take Time to reflect
21.Train for SCB 10K marathon – break the old records
22.Save save save
23.Buy another laptop for editing
24.Photography and editing class
25.Join toastmasters
26.Change how I wear clothes – from lousy to bossy looking
27.Another promotion – Senior Officer
28.Learn Arabic and French

To be continued 




My thoughts on the remaining months/days of 2017

Hmm. In 10 months, I will be hitting 30. Turning 30 is a milestone in a woman's life. I say WOMAN! And while I am at 29 at this year, it doesn't really mean that I have everything figured out. There are still a lot of things I want to accomplish.

So I have set up these points to constantly remind myself that I am only human and to love yourself more.

1. Continuously set up a plan / milestones
I keep thinking that it's good to know that one has a direction. I know what I want and I know where I am heading. Career wise and money wise. I recently got a raise, a promotion from coordinator to officer level, and passing CPP(Certified Purchase Professional). So I think I am good. *Suddenly the ACs wind, blows a lil harder for a second. HAHA! Bleh.

If you do not know what you want out of life then it's gonna be hard to achieve it. Still take some time to figure things out. Don't limit yourself. Set up a bucket list even though change is very constant, it is good to have a plan. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. 

2. Life goes on - "That's part of growing up" - one of my favorite lines.
I say you don't always know yourself well in the late teen years or early 20s. This is a fact. I remember having a mock interview and I said I would be sitting in my own desk, establishing a cake shop in 5 years. There was also a time a wanted to land in an advertising post. Which I never did! and that's totally okay, let the waves help you land on what you deserve. It takes time to know who you are and what you stand for. What matters is, you are the captain of your own life. Plan, Work, Execute, Pray and get it! I do trust  the 5th P in Marketing. Prayer! :) Hope we all end up with what we really want in life. 

3.Maturity and let it go attitude
I really think at this age, where I am almost 30.  You'll be having a good grasp on your principles and beliefs in life. I have overcome hatred. Hate is such a strong word. It is relatively true that we all come to major revelations at different points in our lives. What other people think of you is none of your business, so do not compare your life to others. Be kind. I recently had an epiphany moment where I thought of letting go of the things I really love, you can't force love. If it is for you, then it is all yours. Then again, Happiness is a choice. 

4. Forgiveness
It doesn't matter who was right or wrong, just say sorry. I would like to try to make peace with my past so it won't disturb my present. Time heals almost everything, give it time. But on second thought, I'd rather forgive myself sometimes, because I deserve it.

5. Read More, Play More Basketball.
I targeted reading 1 book per month this year. I have failed on this, let me make it up to you 2018.
Basketball, trying to win back my skills in this game. I have really forgotten how to play. Gahh.. I have new injuries btw. WHOA!

So they say life begins at 30. Tick Tock Berting. Stop thinking too much - its alright not to know all the answers. They will come when you least expect it.

SMILE! Dirty 30 in 10 months. Jeezz...



My Berting, What is this?

So you are sad again. You are being pathetic and needy right now. I know what you are feeling right now and is not the kind of sadness to where you cry all the time, but more of the sadness that overwhelms your entire body. This kind of sadness makes your head overheat. Please admit you are tired of being a life saver. 

Yes, dear, you can't even sleep cause the sadness is in your dreams too. But you keep on fighting for the wrong side. I must say that the reason why we hold on to something so tight is because we fear something so great it won't happen twice.

You once said - In your hesitation, you found answer. 

This is what you have you have feared for, deliberately, losing control.

Focus Boy, for we all now, that happiness is a choice. YOU CHOOSE. 



Oh, that thing called Basketball.

I found myself looking down in distress. Gasping for air, as I try to fight back. I need to run or at least guard anyone from shooting. I couldn't focus like I used to. I wipe my face with my shirt's neckline

Have I really forgotten how to love you ? 

There was a time people me expected me to make a mistake and that mistake came that led me into injuries. Injuries that scared the hell out of me. Then I remember focusing on my academics instead of this game. But how do I bright back light to my glory days? Maybe I just need to be better.

Smarter not harder. Work hard. 


I never got into a real fight, but when I need to I fire back. Oh, I will answer back. I will nail you.

I am sure you hate me, but I don't hate you I strongly despise you. It's a fact that hating me wont make you better than me. I do not find you at par with me, you are absolutely behind me. They say the only advantage you have from me is your junk lying in between your legs. Well I find it small, as cheaters are cowards that are tempted to chase the fantasy of what could be. 

No matter how many achievements you have right now, you are still an imbecile to the highest level. 

I would challenge you to a battle of wits but I see you unarmed. So your balls aren't working?

Call me if you have at least one. 

I am only HUMAN

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, no what ifs, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

It's human nature to surrender when life gives you more than you can stand.



Don't say anything
Just look at me in silence
Our eyes will not be fixated on ground
Let's try not to cry

This is magical, elating yet devastating.

If we learn nothing else from this tragedy
we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate

and it gets better
If you chose to look forward
and It gets colder.
If you chose to mourn.

You can't lose what you never had.

Every ending has a new beginning. 

Fly with me