
Rush Over Me

My LSS for the week. I just recently discovered Illenium and while I was listening to all of his tracks in youtube. I came across to this one striking song. 

For me this is a very emotional track, it' not just a beat. It's not like any other EDM tracks that was meant for you to party and get drunk. But if you are a good listener, It would definitely give chills to any EDM listeners. It is clearly about a couple, whom they love each other very much, however it is very clear that the other one had to say goodbye, and somewhat confused as he/she is begging for one last experience, most likely a sexual encounter or time together. It explains the pains of distance and missing our lovers in a great detail, beautiful lyrics, beautiful beat. I literally felt dreadful. I just want to make a music video out of it. 

So enjoy!  

Seven Lions x Illenium x Said The Sky Feat Haliene

Your finger tips, on my skin
There's nothing that, I wouldn't give
To keep this love alive
We gave it all, we give it up
The chemistry, was not enough

Oh we just collide
I hate myself when I say:
"I need tonight just say goodbye
I will give what's left, inside"

So rush over me one more time
I will miss you, torn apart after tonight
And we can't fix it
Rush over me one more time
The end is coming
Rush over, rush over me
'Cause I will miss you
'Cause I will miss you


Hold on to me now, before we lose this
I keep breaking down, can I do this?
I need tonight to say goodbye, to say goodbye
To say goodbye...
To say goodbye...
To say goodbye


To say goodbye

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye



This week is a very busy week, I can't believe I found time to even blog about it. Well, want to blog tonight, because, well, just because. I am so busy I cannot find time to read! I just really wanna reflect how fast things were during the past few weeks. So today was day two of my CPP(Certified Purchasing Professional) class. To cut the story short, I got promoted again! YAY! and the company invested on me by giving me a 4 day training. 

I just wanna thank the Lords for giving me an opportunity to work in MAF(Enova). I am so privileged and humbled by all of the blessings I have been receiving. 

But on the other hand, some people just can't have it all. Some may prosper in their careers and not have a special someone. Someone might be smart, like summa cum laude smart, but their feet stinks like hell. HAHA! trying to make a point here. You gotta look left and right that life is not fair, you have to understand. And because I am single(haha). I am going to write what my heart says. 


Dear Berting 

You are running towards your dreams of being an executive. LOL 
You're doing fine boy, just move forward. Don't look back. Keep yourself busy. 



Dear Future Partner

Where art thou? 

Wherever - Whoever you are. I can't wait to spend every single day with you. We'll cook meals everyday. As the kitchen is our favorite part of the house. I would love to cuddle you every single moment, or even kiss you on your forehead. Might as well bite your eyebrows if you're trying to pull away from my hugs. We will talk foolishly while we eat. We can burp and fart around and laugh how bad it smells. 

We'll definitely play video games and see how hustler you are. I'll try to let you beat me in every game just to see you laugh in pure bliss. I will walk with you, hands, entwined, we'll point things that we both find annoying or interesting. We can be very weird with anything and that includes each other, there is no pressure to act a certain way. We just have a little Pluto here on Earth. Is that even possible? Well yeah, because we find ways in anything. 

I really wanna be your fall back, I will listen to every dream you want to achieve. I will always want to see you get what you want. Even that dream is to be with someone else. I will always listen to every rant you say. I will always persuade you, respect you. I will let you cry on me or even shout in glee when needed. 

I will always, love us, on how we can be very comfortable with each other. I'll never get tired of saying how beautiful you are. Because you really are. 

I will try not to stare at you for long. I will try not to be moody because I am usually insecure with all the people you may like. I can act like I do not care but I am usually dying inside. I hope you're good at reading minds, because most of the time I can't even understand myself, so please be patient with me. You can say that I am a badass, but this badass will always look up to you.

But if one day you realize that this love isn't meant for you. I will understand, even if I really don't. Just be honest with me. Then break it to me gently. Give me a proper goodbye. 

Comeback if you still can. Stay even if you don't hear me beg. But I will always love you.
