
Random, how to end 2014

Today I realized I am starting fall in love with this City. Dubai, this city welcomed me in my worst state and now I consider myself rising. Like Burj Khalifa! :D

Dubai, has emerged from a deserted place into a global city and a business hub of the persian gulf region. When I was a kid, I thought DUBAI was a country. Well it is a part of UAE and it is not the capital. When I went here my objective was plain simple. That was to move on and be better. I have experience a lot here during my first year of stay. And finally, I think I am in the track for be better.

If only I could take back 4 years ago. I wish I could've chosen a career here, and started from step one. If I did, I wouldn't be insecure for starting all over here for a career. Now that I feel like I am not getting any younger, I aim for better career in few years time. I also see myself grow in this City and I am starting to plan for a life with this city for me and my partner. And I am totally pressuring myself to get her up here and start a new with me. I have been thinking of what to dos and plans. I hope I could set such milestones. I gotta be better. Help me GOD.

Oh and it has been a while Berts. Sorry I haven't updated you. I think my vocabulary is getting zero now. Doncha worry. I am always writing a story in my head.

tick tock 


Something to look forward to

2014 is almost over and I want to make the best of the last days of the year. My goal for 2014 was 99% ticked. But I am happy with all of the things happened and will bound to happen. That one percent is still at the back of my mind and nobody knows it but me. Cause I am my own enemy. And even though I closed my night with a sad feeling. I still chose to be happy by doing this blog entry.

I would like to improve myself more on my financial stability. I wasted a lot of money during 2012, it was clearly my downfall and I'd like to think it was meant for me to happen so that I could improve and learn about money. But the thing here is I hate money. It ruins everything. But anyways, I want to save as much as I can to be able to do what I want. 

Second, I would like to lose weight. This isn't for the people around. This is for myself, to live longer and to be able to perform goal number 1. Plus health is wealth!

Third, I should be investing on insurance or a condo. I should be able to have my own property. This is a pressure for me. I should own one!

Fourth, I should be able to get my UAE drivers license. I have saved enough for driving schools. I used to think that I shouldn't get one but I think If I need to upgrade on my status here, I need to get one. So maybe after a year or two I could go back on the sales or marketing field and aim for EMIRATES :) Claiming it.

Fifth, make more cakes and earn more. I should be able to make a feasibility study about our cakes and at the same time update the current prices from time to time. I would like to own a shop here. Please lord, guide me in this journey as a business person. I can make this work for the ntn time. One step at a time.

Sixth, be happy and contented in life. It is okay to reward yourself sometimes. It is okay sometimes to reap what you sow.

Seventh, MYMP. Learn Arabic and be fluent in it. I should start looking for Arabic classes. This would help me in my work.

Eight, I honestly couldn't think of anything more. I just want to be happy and have a sense of direction when I wake up in the morning. I will have this entry to be continued. :)